Icingaweb2 service check not shown in normal view only

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As you see in the images the Windows Disk Service Check is not shown in the normal View

I have absolutly no idea what can cause such behaviour

Service Windows Disk is shown

Service Windows Disk is missing

I have never seen such a behaviour before.

Any ideas?

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it seems the service check below the Windows CPU Load
check is not shown…when i change the sort sequence different service is missing…

chek windows disk not shown

check Memory not shown

any Ideas?

Might(!) be related to: this issue

It is certainly curious. Especially that can detect the pattern with some services missing dependent on the order.

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Hey there!
It might very well be related to the bug lorenz mentioned, we’re currently investigating that :slight_smile:

Can confirm that we have exactly the same problem here.

  • Depends on sort order what service is missing
  • Seems to be only in special hosts (with certain service checks), not in general.

This might be fixed in the 1.1.3 release