Here are some examples of how you can receive your Icinga2 notifications:
More informations you can find here.
On which way do you receive your Icinga2 notifications?
Here are some examples of how you can receive your Icinga2 notifications:
More informations you can find here.
On which way do you receive your Icinga2 notifications?
Sol1 recently developed enhanced email notifications if anyone is interested. Takes the work of others that have integrated Grafana graphs, and add the Netbox data for the Host:
Hi Dave,
thanks for sharing. Do you have a sample screenshot from such a notification for better illustration?
Here we go. This is for a virtual machine. For a physical machine, it displays the rack and other datacentre info - customisable.
A post was split to a new topic: API proxy for aNag notifications
Repository seems to be closed, can you check?
sorry we moved it. Should be here permanently now.
i use jabber …