How can i access my icinga web after my machine ip change


I recently crushed my VM which i fixed. After fixing it my IP changed which cant make me access my icinga web panel but i can restart my icinga.service in my terminal successfully. i tried using the new IP to access my icinga web panel but still cant,the old one doesn’t work as well. is there any way ?

I would check if the webserver is running and site settings if there is somewhere hardcoded the previous IP address.
For apache probably /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/icinga.conf

thanks for the reply.
the webserver is running . i was asking how can i access my icinga web interface after my IP changed.
Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon.

So when accessing http://your-new-ip you get the apache example page (something like this or this)
If yes, then what happens if you access http://your-new-ip/icingaweb2 ?

If no, what is the status of your webserver service (systemctl status apache2/httpd)

And also: please remember to give as much information as possible, meaning:

  • OS distribution
  • icinga/icingaweb versions (if relevant to the issue)
  • modules installed (if relevant to the issue)
  • screenshots
  • config snippets (use markdown!)

with my new ip “http://my-new-ip” when i open it it cant be reached.
“systemctl status apache2/httpd” doesnt work i use centos. can you help me on that?

  • KJ

Of course this does not work, the service is either named apache2 OR httpd, depending on your distribution. As you say you use centos, it is httpd

Try again and check the output.

Means, either the webserver is not running OR some kind of network connection issue OR something else…

Does ip addr show show the correct IP address of the server?

YES it does

Then only two other things come to mind:
Has the server a firewall enabled?
Is SElinux enabled?

If the firewall is enabled, the following might help

firewall-cmd --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

If selinux is enabled, the following might help

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1

If both isn’t enabled or does not help,I’m out of ideas and say it is some kind of a network issue.

yh I enabled the firewall already and it still didnt work. Thanks for the help anyway. But i wanted to know if change of an IP can affect your icinga web?

Apparently it does affect the webserver in your setup.
I have never experienced this as far as I can remember.

I suggest you check your httpd configs if you can find a “hardcoded” IP address there