I recently crushed my VM which i fixed. After fixing it my IP changed which cant make me access my icinga web panel but i can restart my icinga.service in my terminal successfully. i tried using the new IP to access my icinga web panel but still cant,the old one doesn’t work as well. is there any way ?
I would check if the webserver is running and site settings if there is somewhere hardcoded the previous IP address.
For apache probably /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/icinga.conf
thanks for the reply.
the webserver is running . i was asking how can i access my icinga web interface after my IP changed.
Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon.
with my new ip “http://my-new-ip” when i open it it cant be reached.
“systemctl status apache2/httpd” doesnt work i use centos. can you help me on that?
yh I enabled the firewall already and it still didnt work. Thanks for the help anyway. But i wanted to know if change of an IP can affect your icinga web?