Feedback Week Thread!

Hey there, sorry for the late reply!

Those are some super valid complaints

  • help (new) users for proper formatted posts

For this we already have an onboarding with the markdown guide, but you mean messaging people when they post something that is badly formatted, if I unserstand you right?

  • rearrange posts when posted in wrong categor(y/ies) e.g. Tutorials and Guides

This is definitely something that I used to do more actively before, I’ll put it back on my daily to-dos. If you happen upon a post that is in the wrong category, you can always flag it to let us know!

  • Take more care about unsolved or even unanswered posts e.g. involve your developers, consultants etc.

This one is a bit of a tricky one, as the forum is mainly meant as a by-users-for-users system. Every developer at Icinga has an hour a week set aside for the forum, so they can answer posts. This is voluntary though. If I see a post that could benefit from some more “official” help, I usually try to message the person who is most likely to be able to help solve it :slight_smile:

  • re-activate unanswered posts-link

Now that you mention it, I don’t actually know what update removed that. I’ll look into it!

Thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile: