November 27, 2020, 1:56pm
I had working system, but after upgrade to r2.12.1-1 my configuration iás not valid.
Trying to solve this problem, I used
vim /etc/icinga2/zones.conf
object Zone "master" {
endpoints = [ "icinga2-master1.localdomain", "icinga2-master2.localdomain" ]
object Zone "satellite" {
endpoints = [ "icinga2-satellite1.localdomain", "icinga2-satellite1.localdomain" ]
(from icinga doc) as template, my record in zones.conf is
object Zone “master” {
endpoints = [“comp1”, “comp2”, “comp3”]
running icinga2 daemon -C
the response is warning/Zone: The Zone object “master” has more than two endpoints …
My site is flat, one net with one ofiice, so no satellites, 8 devices
How to solve this, please
Thanks Mike
HI @mutex
To sole you problem you would need to change:
object Zone “master” {
endpoints = [“comp1”, “comp2”, “comp3”]
object Zone “master” {
endpoints = [“comp1”, “comp2”]
There can only be 2 masters, and 2 satellites per zone
So you would need to break your configuration / redesign your setup I am afraid.
I’m more familiar with setups with satellites but this should work for your master only setup.
The “master” zone has only one endpoint, your master icinga2 instance
comp1-8 are defined as endpoints of their own zones and the parent is the master zone.
Edit: The issue is that your master zone must have your master instance as its endpoint. The hosts you’re monitoring are defined in the examples below
object Zone “master” {
endpoints = [“comp1”, “comp2”, “comp3”]
zones.conf - master
object Endpoint "icinga2-master1.localdomain" {
object Zone "master" {
endpoints = [ "icinga2-master1.localdomain" ]
object Endpoint "comp1" {
object Zone "comp1" {
endpoints = ["comp1"]
parent = "master"
etc etc with comp{2…8}
conf.d/hosts.conf on master
object Host "comp1" {
name = "comp1"
import = "generic-host"
address = "$ip"
etc etc with comp{2…8}
comp1 /etc/icinga2/zones.conf
object Endpoint "icinga2-master1.localdomain" {
host = "$ip"
object Endpoint "comp1" {
etc with the other comps