Windows Agent Monitoring

Hello everyone,

I want to monitor my first external windows. The machine is behind a nat and not pingable form outside. I have setup the agent. The connection works but my questions what checkcomand can I use for that? If I use hostalive, ping all will be checked form the vps where my icinga2 is running.

So my Question:

What is here the best practice to monitor if the host is down?

Yours Alex


since the cluster TLS connection is established by the agent, this must be intact and can be checked from the remote execution caller (master or satellite). This is what the cluster-zone check is for.



thank you for you answer.

I have checked but I don’t understand. When I look at the host here ist the check command hostalive and the “Checkpoint” the master. (I have not found any field where I can set “Checkpoint agent”.

But when I check the Service the “Checkpoint” ist the Agent but here I can set Agent.

I have no Cluster setup only Master Client or Agent

Yours Alex


I’ll guess from your screenshots that you’re the Director, please mention that next time.

Navigate into the Director, create a new host template, name it agent-host-template, set the check_command to cluster-zone.

Underneath the agent and zone settings, enable this host being an agent. Likely you’ve done that already.

Now move into your host object, or create a new one which imports this host template.

Check the host, mine is not connected since my Windows Development VM doesn’t know about my Vagrant box yet.

