I want to do exactly what is documented in Icinga2 Api - Icinga 2 - Schedule Host Downtime(s) with all Services but the code snippet uses a tool (jo
) that is not present on my RHEL servers (and installation would be quite a cumbersome administrative process).
Could anyone tell me what this jo
utility ( jo man | Linux Command Library) is doing on the code snippet provided, and how to work around its absence? The output of the following command would be very useful to me:
jo -p pretty=true type=Host filter="match(\"*satellite*\", host.name)" \
all_services=true author=icingaadmin \
comment="Cluster upgrade maintenance" fixed=true \
start_time=$(date +%s -d "+0 hour") end_time=$(date +%s -d "+1 hour")
Thank you,