Warning, process running on multiple hosts


Reasons I am yet to find, I am receiving the below message when performing a process check

OK: 1 CRIT: 0 Warning, process running on multiple hosts

Though I am specifying one host.

Please give us some details of which service check this is.

The more help you give us in understanding the setup you have, the more we
might be able to help you modify it.


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HI Antony,

So this is a in-house process that we have running. We have a custom property defining the hostlist so scratching my head on why it replies back with the below.

Plugin Output -

OK: 1 CRIT: 0 Warning, process running on multiple hosts

object Service “Check " {
host_name = "
import “check_service_cluster”
import “timeperiod”

vars.hostlist = "hostname"
vars.nrpe_check = "process"
vars.tradeops_notify = "yes"

Well, sorry, but without seeing the code which this service check runs, I
can’t really start to guess why it produces any specific output.

All I can suggest is that you debug the execution paths which can possibly
result in the “process running on multiple hosts” output.


No worries.

Wish I could share more. thank you though