vSphereDB InfluxDB Performance data consumer


We have the vspheredb module (1.5.0) successfully setup and collecting data. I wanted to use the perf data consumer to push data to our influxdb instance.

The config verifies successfully (v1.8 API), but it doesn’t look like it’s pushing any data.
Where is the config that says what db to use on the influxdb server for example?


  • Icinga Web 2 version - 2.11.1
  • Icinga 2 version used - r2.13.5-1

I suppose what I’m trying to get to is this!

nvm - I worked it out, (with the help of Matt from Sol1 - legend).
It’s the highly undocumented :grinning: feature of needing to edit each vCentre to ship your data;
[InfluxDB doesn't seem to work · Issue #293 · Icinga/icingaweb2-module-vspheredb · GitHub]

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Pull requst for the documentation? :wink:

So does icingacli vspheredb check host --name esxihost01 --perfdata actually produce any additional performance data that is pushed to influxdb?

Don’t think so but can’t find, where I read it.