Using check_disk with custom partition thresholds

I’m trying to use the check_disk command with custom partition thresholds in a single service. To do this, I need Icinga to run the following check command:

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 5% -c 2% -p /srv/archives -w 10% -c 5%

In this example, the /srv/archives partition will be checked with 5% and 2% as warning/critical thresholds, and all other partitions will be checked with 10% and 5% as warning/critical thresholds.

To achieve this, and since I need to control the relative position of the arguments, I’m trying to add some arguments manually to the command:

object CheckCommand "ee-disk" {
  import "disk"
  command = [ PluginDir + "/check_disk" ]

  if (vars.disk_custom_partitions_thresholds) {
    for (var item in vars.disk_custom_partitions_thresholds) {
      if(item.warning_threshold) {
       command += ["-w", item.warning_threshold]
      if(item.critical_threshold) {
       command += ["-c", item.critical_threshold]
      command += ["-p", item.partition]
  vars.disk_wfree = "10%"
  vars.disk_cfree = "5%"

In my host definition:

object Host "test" {
  vars.disk_custom_partitions_thresholds = [
      partition = "/srv/archives"
      warning_threshold = "5%"
      critical_threshold = "2%"

However, this does not work, and Icinga still runs the command without my extra arguments. I know that this is not a traditional way to manage command arguments, but I don’t see another way to control the relative order of the arguments.

Note: My previous workaround for this issue was to define multiple services, but I hope to find a solution to achieve the same check with a single service.

It am not totally sure here, but I think your fancy logic in the CheckCommand is evaluated before an assignment to a host/service takes places, therefore vars.disk_custom_partitions_thresholds is non-existent.

I think you could put this in the the service and address your data with host.vars. instead of vars.