Unable to enable PNP module


I am new to icinga and just installed icinga2. I want to enable PNP graphs but i am unable to enable the module.
i cloned the pnp module from git and extracted into the modules folder and when i tried to enable using icingacli module enable pnp, am getting below error:
ERROR: Icinga\Exception\ConfigurationError in /usr/share/php/Icinga/Application/Modules/Manager.php:248 with message: Cannot enable module "pnp". Module is not installed.

The default monitoring module is working for me.

Please suggest


PNP Module is deprecated and no longer supported with icingaweb2/icinga. Better go for graphite or influxdb and the graphite module or grafana module.



Is there a way to enable display graphs in icingaweb2 dashboard with influxdb and grafana ? Can anyone share the links?

One good explanation could be found here.

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