Ubuntu monitoring via SSH


I’m new in the icinga operation :slight_smile:

I started with a simple check from icinga documentation to check if it’s working, but I’m facing a problem.

Icinga2 and icingaweb are installed on ubuntu 22.04 server
|PHP Version|8.1.2-1ubuntu2.11|
|Git commit date|2023-01-26|
Icinga Web 2 Version 2.11.4

My dashboard tells:

Plugin Output

check_by_ssh: You must provide a host name

what can be the misstype or the problem?

Thanks in advance!

template Host “ssh-agent” {
check_command = “hostalive”

vars.agent_type = “ssh”
vars.os_type = “linux”

object Host “zabbix” {
import “ssh-agent”

address = “”

apply Service “Disk Usage” {
import “generic-service”
check_command = “ssh-disk-usage”
vars.address = “”
vars.user = “icinga”
vars.ssh_key = “/home/icinga/.ssh/id_rsa”
vars.disk_usage_w = “80%”
vars.disk_usage_c = “90%”
assign where host.vars.os_type == “linux” && host.vars.agent_type == “ssh”

object CheckCommand “ssh-disk-usage” {
import “plugin-check-command”
command = [“/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_by_ssh”]
arguments = {
“-H” = {
value = “$address$”
description = “Host address”
required = true
skip_key = true
“-C” = {
value = “‘/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w $disk_usage_w$ -c $disk_usage_c$ -p /’”
description = “Check command”
required = true
skip_key = true
“-l” = {
value = “$user$”
description = “SSH username”
required = true
skip_key = true
“-i” = {
value = “$ssh_key$”
description = “SSH private key path”
required = true
skip_key = true

You need to remove skip_key = true.

BTW: Why don’t you use by_ssh directly?


with by_ssh I got this message on icinga dashboard:
" Plugin Output

Remote command execution failed: Warning: Identity file /home/icinga/.ssh/id_rsa not accessible: Permission denied."

I checked the permissions on .ssh and id_rsa, id_rsa_pub and looks ok.

If I try the command from terminal:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_by_ssh -H -l icinga -i /home/icinga/.ssh/id_rsa -C “/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 80% -c 90%”

it works.

Because you then run is as user root most properly. Switch to user icinga via sudo -u icinga bash and try it again.


I changed my technical user for icinga because something went wrong on the icinga user profile (when i wan’t to make a normal ssh connection the cursor still blinks and nothing happened).

Right now I set the user “icnmon” to make the check on the remote client (ubuntu 22.04 server), I made the necessary ssh key generation, and ssh-copy also but I’m facing this problem:

If I try the ssh connection with icnmon user from icinga server, the ssh login process works well, without password prompt.

I checked the .ssh/ permissions but I think that is also ok, I can’t find where is the problem right now…
Permissions on the client side:

Permissions on icinga server:

I’d assume your icinga services at the server are still running as user icinga. Hence, the plugin will be executed as user icinga as well. And this user has obviously not enough permissions to read the identity file.

I made a VM restore when the user icinga was ok, and I tryed now with the original settings, but:
" Plugin Output
Remote command execution failed: Host key verification failed."

I checked and from console I can ssh with my icinga user key, and if I run a check manually is also ok.

I checked the authorized_keys file and there is additional character…

manually from icinga user session I can ssh to remote host with my icinga user and the associated ssh key, the command also runs fine from icinga user, the only one error I got on icinga webview.

What is the output of ps -ef | grep icinga2 at you icinga server?

here is the output:

for the “systemctl list-units --type=service --all | grep icinga2” command:

Your icinga services are running as user nagios (which is default for Debian and Ubuntu) and you have to configure the ssh connection between nagios on server and any user on target.

Thanks for your remark :slight_smile: I hope this will the last issue :smiley:
I will try with nagios user, and I will come back with a feedback.

Today I created the ssh key for nagios user, and I tested now on the client side I can see the success ssh key login, so this topic is ok :slight_smile:

But on the icinga web dashboard I got this plugin output for check_disk (right now this is the only check configured)




The other checks (cpu, mem, load, proc, ssh, uptime) are ok.

You define by_ssh_arguments for the service object which are not used in your command object. Hence, check_disk is executed without any arguments and this result in the output.

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In the time I solved the problem :slight_smile:
now my services.conf looks in this way:

Thanks for your help!

Regarding an ESXI 8 customized version, here I am using the root account for the ssh from the icinga server what is working great, but the checks no, I got this message for every check:

Plugin Output

Remote command execution failed: sh: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_memory: Operation not permitted

Plugin Output

Remote command execution failed: sh: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_uptime: not found

If i run the command from icinga server it’s ok:

The content from icinga server is copyed with scp to the client to the same folder structure, the user is root but the on the folder the permissions are 755, what can be the problem?

My hosts.conf where I set to use the root user for checks:
object Host “esxi-1” {
import “generic-host”
address = “”
vars.ssh_username = “root”
vars.ssh_private_key = “/root/.ssh/id_rsa”
check_command = “hostalive”
vars.os = “Linux”
groups = [ “esxi” ]
vars.notification[“mail”] = {
groups = [ “icingaadmins” ]


finally I can get in to the esxi server with nagios user passwordless, but the service checks status on the icinga dashboard not changed…

Here is the aut.log from the esxi server I can see the success login and the launch of the scripts (the scripts are there at the usual location)

Running check plugins on an ESXi host locally does not make much sense. Better use something like esxi_hardware.

I want to see only the cpu, disk, memory, uptime, load values and I want to use for this the most simpliest solution, for this purpose also the esxi_hardware is the best?


I comfigured the esxi_hardware check and it’s working only with root user, if I use the nagios user on the esxi server where this user have Read-Only permission I received the permission denied status, do you have mor einformation about the necessary user permission for this check?

I don’t want to grant a root privilege for a checking user…