Trainings: Hands-on with Icinga

Icinga sometimes isn’t easy and discussions in the online world are tough. Why not look for a professional class teaching a group about the basics and advanced topics with Icinga?

That’s why we’ve created our official trainings. Check the website for upcoming dates at a partner near you :muscle:

  • Icinga Fundamentals
  • Icinga Advanced

Additionally you can attend workshops, e.g. on the first day of OSMC or provided by our partners.

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hello, what about training in English is there something on the market? Any plans wor a book in english?


Sorry for coming back late, I have not recognized it is possible to post in this thread at all.

NETWAYS is typically only planing one or two trainings a year in English as demand is low, but we are able to provide it on demand. So based on your demand just contact us via the contact form on our homepage.

There should also other partners be available to provide trainings at least on demand. @bsheqa will know more about this or @theFeu can make contacts.