Streaming Telemetry via gNMI (gRPC) for Nokia Devices

Hello everyone,

similar to another post on here (/t/streaming-telemetry-support/1034)
I am seeking to monitor Nokia devices via Streaming Telemetry instead of SNMP.

As far as I am aware, Nokia provides that with gNMI (built on gRPC).
See here:

While Juniper devices may be integrated to Icinga monitoring using
openNTI (see here: OpenNTI Documentation — OpenNTI 0.0.1 documentation )
plus some sort of custom collector/plugin for Icingas REST API, I am a little lost on how to build something similar for Nokia.

If the specific Device type is of higher importance than I currently anticipate, I mainly focus on these:
Nokia MX480
Nokia 7250 IXR-e
Nokia 7750 SR-2s

A rough idea or maybe something like a prefab fragment for a receiver of sorts would be very helpful in this matter.

If more information needs to be provided, feel free to feed that back accordingly and I shall try to provide so. :wink:

Huge ‘thanks’ in advance and have a good one!

Thanks for bringing this topic to our attention.

First, I have no experience with enterprise Nokia hardware, OpenNTI or gNMI. However, clicking a bit through their documentation, I found Prometheus and InfluxDB examples in their deployment examples.

Thus, you may be able to stream the data into a Prometheus and check this from Icinga, e.g., via

Otherwise, please feel free to share with us what you have already tried as this may be interesting for others stumbling over your post.

Hey and thanks for your input/feedback!

The gist is, that I’d like to opt out of Prometheus, as it would seem redundant to Icinga (or any other monitoring software for that matter).
Else I could build the whole monitoring infrastructure on Prometheus directly…
But that is not that goal, as we have already deemed Prometheus not suitable for our use cases.

openConfig shares quite a bit about openNTI for Juniper, I had stumbled over that already. Since that pretty much does bear support for netconf as well I am already looking deeper into it - maybe we can ‘recycle’ that for non-Juniper devices too, but that’s yet to be evaluated.

My current headache is really just finding a streamlined and compact ‘glue’ to go between gNMI (and/or openNTI) and Icinga2 without too much of a hassle.
Smooth and simple, you get the point. :wink:

The whole setup is supposed to produce a straightforward deployment for a production environment…soon™