Is there an chance to define something in the icinga2 config for some services which actually are only bound to one host so that they could be used on both hosts but are only checked on the active host of both in an ha setup like this?
I use a “virtual” Icinga host object with the HA IP.
This has the 116_cluster_nodes variable set and the same service name as on the HA nodes with the following DSL code as check.
object CheckCommand "116-cmd-only-one" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/dummy" ]
timeout = 10s
arguments += {
"--message" = {
description = "Message"
required = true
value = {{
var output_status = ""
var up_count = 0
var down_count = 0
var cluster_nodes = macro("$116_cluster_nodes$")
var only_one_service_name = macro("$116-cluster-only-one-service$")
for (node in cluster_nodes) {
if (get_service(node, only_one_service_name).state > 0) {
down_count += 1
} else {
up_count += 1
if (up_count == 1) {
output_status = "OK: "
} else {
output_status = "CRITICAL: "
var output = output_status
for (node in cluster_nodes) {
output += node + ": " + only_one_service_name + ": " + get_service(node, only_one_service_name).last_check_result.output + " "
output += " | count_of_alive_" + only_one_service_name +"="+up_count+";1:1;1:1"
return output
"--state" = {
description = "State"
value = {{
var up_count = 0
var down_count = 0
var cluster_nodes = macro("$116_cluster_nodes$")
var only_one_service_name = macro("$116-cluster-only-one-service$")
for (node in cluster_nodes) {
if (get_service(node, only_one_service_name).state > 0) {
down_count += 1
} else {
up_count += 1
if (up_count == 1) {
return "ok" //same up as down -> UP
} else {
return "crit" //something is broken
Thanks for the good answers.
I only had the problem to auto switch over between the masters in the master zone for the checks but that is now working fine after i found the correct documentation: Distributed Monitoring - Icinga 2