Hi community ,
I am just playing around with the available services and I wanted to add the lmsensors service to have a look at the temperatures on one of my hosts and after adding the service i get that this error
execvpe(/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_lmsensors) failed: No such file or directory
which is expected because i had a similar error with check_apache_status service where the service wasnt located in the path but i added it manually and was found.
In this case for check_lmsensors i cant find any instances besides something similar as check_lm_sensors which i am not sure if this has the same structure as check_lmsensors
So how i am supposed to do this, should i add the check_lm_sensors as a new command in the director with the correct path (in this case /usr/lib/nagios/plugins or should i modify the command for check_lmsensors so that it corresponds to the new command and if so where is this located ?
Thanks in advanced !
icinga2 comes with a template library which means when you start the kickstart these things will be imported as external commands so you can use them in icinga director.