Hi all,
I have Icinga master-satellite setup and I am having troubles getting check_vmware_esx to work via Icinga.
The check should be reading out health status from VMWare 6.5 cluster setup, managed by vcenter instance.
I am using check_vmware_esx from BaldMansMojo and checks from satellite node are working perfectly:
*as Root user
[root@icinga2-hilversum-satellite-1 ~]# '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_esx' '--authfile' '/etc/icinga2/authfiles/nl-vcenter-auth' '--datacenter' 'vcenter.avinity.tv' '--select' 'runtime' '--sessionfiledir' '/var/spool/icinga2/tmp' '--sslport' '443' '--subselect' 'listhost' '--timeout' '90'
OK: 3/3 Hosts powered on - 0/3 Hosts powered off/standby/unknown
[root@icinga2-hilversum-satellite-1 ~]# '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_esx' '--authfile' '/etc/icinga2/authfiles/nl-vcenter-auth' '--datacenter' 'vcenter.avinity.tv' '--select' 'runtime' '--sessionfiledir' '/var/spool/icinga2/tmp' '--sslport' '443' '--subselect' 'listcluster' '--timeout' '90'
OK: 2/2 Clusters green - 0/2 Clusters red - 0/2 Clusters yellow - 0/2 Clusters gray
HV HA Cluster (green)
Hilversum HA Cluster (green)
*as Icinga user
[root@icinga2-hilversum-satellite-1 ~]# sudo -u icinga '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_esx' '--authfile' '/etc/icinga2/authfiles/nl-vcenter-auth' '--datacenter' 'vcenter.avinity.tv' '--select' 'runtime' '--sessionfiledir' '/var/spool/icinga2/tmp' '--sslport' '443' '--subselect' 'listcluster' '--timeout' '90'
OK: 2/2 Clusters green - 0/2 Clusters red - 0/2 Clusters yellow - 0/2 Clusters gray
HV HA Cluster (green)
Hilversum HA Cluster (green)
This should mean that all Perl modules, lib pointers and vmware modules work fine ??
However, in Icinga Web UI I see following error and same error for all check_vmware_esx checks:
Server version unavailable at ‘https://vcenter.avinity.tv:443/sdk/vimService.wsdl’ at /usr/share/perl5/VMware/VICommon.pm line 704.
Is there a way for me to run the check as Icinga does it, from cli, to be able to debug further why is it giving this error in IcingaWeb, but the check itself work on CLI?
Master and Satellite are both running latest stable version of Icinga and vmware_sdk 6.7 is installed on satellite which execute checks.
If any additional information is needed, just ask.
Object details for one of the checks:
services “vcenter.avinity.tv!vcenter-listhosts”
Inspected via icinga2-master-1.avinity.tv (https://director@icinga2-master-1.avinity.tv:5665/v1/)
Source Location
The configuration for this object has not been rendered by Icinga Director. You can find it on line 18 in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/vmware-services.conf.
Last Check Result
Executed Command
‘/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_esx’ ‘–authfile’ ‘/etc/icinga2/authfiles/nl-vcenter-auth’ ‘–datacenter’ ‘vcenter.avinity.tv’ ‘–select’ ‘runtime’ ‘–sessionfiledir’ ‘/var/spool/icinga2/tmp’ ‘–sslport’ ‘443’ ‘–subselect’ ‘listhost’ ‘–timeout’ ‘90’
Object Properties
__name | “vcenter.avinity.tv!vcenter-listhosts” |
acknowledgement | 0 |
acknowledgement_expiry | 0 |
acknowledgement_last_change | 0 |
action_url | “” |
active | true |
check_attempt | 1 |
check_command | vmware-esx-dc-runtime-listhost |
check_interval | 300 |
check_period | “” |
check_timeout | null |
command_endpoint | “” |
display_name | “vcenter-listhosts” |
downtime_depth | 0 |
enable_active_checks | true |
enable_event_handler | true |
enable_flapping | false |
enable_notifications | true |
enable_passive_checks | true |
enable_perfdata | true |
event_command | “” |
flapping | false |
flapping_current | 0 |
flapping_last_change | 0 |
flapping_threshold | 0 |
flapping_threshold_high | 30 |
flapping_threshold_low | 25 |
force_next_check | false |
force_next_notification | false |
groups | |
ha_mode | 0 |
handled | false |
host_name | “vcenter.avinity.tv” |
icon_image | “” |
icon_image_alt | “” |
last_check | 1623934455.093310 |
last_hard_state | 1 |
last_hard_state_change | 1623855859.621128 |
last_reachable | true |
last_state | 1 |
last_state_change | 1623855859.621128 |
last_state_critical | 1623855559.545519 |
last_state_ok | 0 |
last_state_type | 1 |
last_state_unknown | 0 |
last_state_unreachable | 0 |
last_state_warning | 1623934425.194107 |
max_check_attempts | 3 |
name | “vcenter-listhosts” |
next_check | 1623934787.799187 |
next_update | 1623935088.105734 |
notes | “” |
notes_url | “” |
original_attributes | null |
package | “_etc” |
paused | false |
previous_state_change | 1623855859.621128 |
problem | true |
retry_interval | 60 |
severity | 2080 |
state | 1 |
state_type | 1 |
type | “Service” |
vars | { vmware_authfile: “/etc/icinga2/authfiles/nl-vcenter-auth”, vmware_datacenter: “vcenter.avinity.tv” } |
version | 0 |
volatile | false |
zone | “hilversum” |