I’m having issue when scheduled downtimes are visible only on Endpoint object - and not on masters / Web2 interface. I think problem is described here:
- Scheduled downtime not visible in Icinga Web 2
- Scheduled downtime in with HA masters - #8 by dnsmichi
But struggling to understand end solution here. Please note not sure is guid (i guess generate) after ! in object name need to be
What I have is scheduled downtime for example
apply ScheduledDowntime "somedowntime" to Service {
author = "scheduled-downtime"
comment = "Example"
ranges = {
monday = "14:25-00:45"
assign where "somedowntime" in service.vars.downtimes
Then In my service template I’m doing config += vars (Apply for Rules) where config is content of my dictionary, so for example on host:
vars.some_check["something"] = { downtimes = [ "somedowntime" ] }
This generates kind of weird state:
- Downtime is not on Web2 interface
- Downtime is not visible (any downtime ) on master1 (master in HA)
- Downtime is visible on on master2 (another master in HA pair)
- Downtime is visible on satellite01 (satellite)
- Downtime is not visible on Endpoint
By visible I mean I can see same downtime object with ! (that I believe need to match across servers). I can see some downtime’s on Endpoint but not one that I can see on 2nd master and Satellite server. 1st Master where I keep my config (and getting synced to 2nd master) does not see any downtime object for this host/service
From zones this is how it works
master1 (master in HA pair where I keep config)
object Endpoint "master1" {
object Endpoint "master2" {
host = "master2"
object Zone "master" {
endpoints = [ "master1", "master2" ]
master2 (2nd master in HA pair, that get config sync from 04)
object Endpoint "master1" {
object Zone "master" {
endpoints = [ "master1", "master2" ]
object Endpoint "master2" {
Then both masters have same entry for satellite and endpoint
object Zone "endpoint" { endpoints = [ "endpoint" ], parent = "sattellite" }
object Endpoint "endpointl" { log_duration = 0 }
object Endpoint "sattellite" {
object Zone "sattellite" {
endpoints = [ "sattellite" ]
Then this is on satellite that checking this Endpoint:
object Zone "endpoint" { endpoints = [ "endpoint" ], parent = "sattellite" }
object Endpoint "endpoint" { }
object Endpoint "master1" { }
object Endpoint "master2" { }
object Zone "master" {
endpoints = [ "master1", "master2" ]
object Endpoint "sattellite" {
object Zone "sattellite" {
endpoints = [ "sattellite" ]
parent = "master"
I know a lot of info but would be great if somebody can advise for sure what I’m doing wrong!