Hello everyone,
i migrated from icingaIDO zu icingaDB. today i noticed that the Reporting Module still works with the ido database . when i deactive the the database that i used for icingaIDO in resources.ini file, the reporting module cant give me reports and has error.
And even when i disable idoreports Module , the Reporting Module has problem and give me error.
Here it says that : " If you are still using the monitoring module, please also install the idoreports module."
after the Migration from icingaIDO to icingaDB i deactivate the monitoring Module. why the Reporting Module needs still icingaIDO database and idoreports ?
id there any reporting Module which is based on icingaDB?
Icinga Web 2 version 2.11
Icinga 2 version used (icinga2 --version) : 2.14
PHP version used (php --version): 7.4
Server operating system and version: RHEL
Im very Thankful for your time ans asnwers.