System is composed of a master and an agent.
I have some hosts in the master’s /etc/icinga2/zones.d/<>/hosts.conf
Services attached to those hosts are polling nicely from the agent and reporting to the master.
Hosts are not being pinged from the agent.
Agent has monitoring-tool installed, and in particular, /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ping exists, works, itl is included, and PluginDir is defined (I get redef errors/warnings if I try to set these again on the remote agent).
In each host object in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/<>/hosts.conf:
zone = "master"
agent_endpoint = <>
check_command = "hostalive4"
If I check now on a host in the UI, time refreshes as if check was scheduled. Tcpdump and host status indicates nothing happened from the agent. Tcpdump shows ping from the master.
System config still the same as in Duplicate host entry points to self when adding agent - #4 by dgoetz
How do I move the hostalive4/ping to the agent? I tried changing the zone value in the host object to the agent, but then nothing happens at all. Other community discussions indicate that since the check source is the master, the zone has to be the master. I was hoping putting the hosts in the zones.d directory for the agent would accomplish this move.