RememberMe not working (for me?)

when I close the Browser and reopen it, I’m logged in. But after a few seconds Icingaweb logs me out.
The “icingaweb2-remember-me”-Cookie disappears.

This is all the same browser:


ERROR - Can't authenticate user via remember me cookie: No database entry found for IV '6e15bb434cc4a9f484032623'
ERROR - Can't authenticate user via remember me cookie: No database entry found for IV '1340569243e6b744d116fb7a'
ERROR - Can't authenticate user via remember me cookie: No database entry found for IV 'd050b558b36b26c7975316d9'

Does anyone know, how this “IV” is calculated?

I guess it is some Security-Feature in our Network…



Icinga Web 2 version

  • 2.11.4

Used modules and their versions

  • doc 2.11.4
  • graphite 1.2.0
  • icingalegacytheme 1.0.0
  • monitoring 2.11.4

Web browser used

  • Google Chrome Version 112.0.5615.138

Icinga 2 version used

  • 2.13.2-1

PHP version used

  • 5.4.16

Server operating system and version

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9

Please check your db if it has a table called icingaweb_rememberme. If not, you need to schema updates as described here.

icingaweb_schema version is “6” - this should be ok.

My steps are:

  1. Logging in with rememberme activated
    Browser-Cookie icingaweb2-remember-me is set
    the fingerprint matches with the DB Entry

  2. close and re-open the browser
    Cookie icingaweb2-remember-me is still set

  3. Open IcingaWeb
    I’m still logged in - but after the first refresh, I’ll get logged out and redirected to the login-page.
    Cookie icingaweb2-remember-me is gone
    2023-06-19T11:59:53+02:00 - ERROR - Can't authenticate user via remember me cookie: No database entry found for IV '124fd5a57460c682aee33705'
    and the random_iv in DB has changed (???)

Of course, there is no DB entry found, that matches with the cookie. But why is there a different random_iv?

i can not reproduce this behavior. Everything works fine on my device.
Every time you log in with rememberme, the old random_iv entry is removed and a new one is created.

Can you please try it on a different device/browser? It seems to be a browser cache issue.

Thanks very much for your support! I figured out now, that the RememberMe-feature works from a dev-workstation, but not in the productive-environment. So it seems to be some restriction in the browser or maybe a firewall - I could not find out.
However, it has nothing to do with the icingaweb-configuration.