Question for using checkCommands in a serviceSet and a service-apply-rule


we a have question for better understand using checkCommands in a service-apply-rule and ServiceSet.
The situation is following:
If you create a service inside a ServiceSet you can choose e.g.basic-template and add a an individual checkCommand:

If you create a service-apply-rule, you need to create a special service template where you add the check-command and after that you can add this to the service-apply rule. Because there is no filed to add a checkCommand.

For us this is a little bit illogical and sometimes frustrating, if you have to create a template only for one service first. At the end you have a lot of templates.

We hope, that somebody has a logical explanation for us :slight_smile:

Thank you.


the preferred way with using the Director is to hide as many things as possible in templates. This is also due to the fact that with RBAC enabled systems, only the administrator should be able to change the command, not the user itself.

My learned way of doing things is do create service templates for specific checks and add the check command in there. This also allows to immediately set default values for the required parameters, making the later service set/apply a breeze with just importing the templates.


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Thanks Michael for the Explanation. For the check command is logical for us. But for the Service?
If it should be hide many things as possible, then it should be the same if we create a new service inside a serviceSet like a apply-rule. So it’s just confusing why there is a field for the CheckCommand here and not there. The creation proccess of services should be run like a common thread through the menues. :slight_smile:


To my knowledge, service sets are an additional feature not necessarily related to apply rules (as you are used to from Icinga 2 itself). There’s a different handling involved in the Director backend and that’s probably also the reason why the forms differ. Better to be answered by the developers though.


I hope they will bring light into the darkness :slight_smile:


An addendum to this question and for completeness, in case the question arises again:
I had the chance to talk with @tgelf at the last OSMC about this. It works as designed. That means that normally only Admins creates ServiceSet and they can add a check command. Normal users (like customers) usally only creates ApplyRules with templates the admins created. It’s also for security reasons that normal users can add a “dangerous” scripts, which can paralyze a system.

But @tgelf has and idea for future versions to redesign this form that also admins can add checkCommands at the apply-form.

I hope I have reproduced it correctly.

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