Prevent email notifications during downtime

Hi :slight_smile: and welcome,

What is the content of this variable on the host?
The downtime variable of the service definition is not used anywhere in your apply rule.

So either change the downtime config for the service to something like

apply ScheduledDowntime “service-downtime” to Service {
ranges = {
	monday = service.vars.downtime
	tuesday = service.vars.downtime
	wednesday = service.vars.downtime
	thursday = service.vars.downtime
	friday = service.vars.downtime
	saturday = service.vars.downtime
	sunday = service.vars.downtime
assign where service.vars.downtime != “”

or add the correct downtime window to the host variable(be aware that this would also change the hosts downtime!)

Also please use the options to format your posts, e.g. with code tags at the beginning and the end of code/config snippets. ```
Here is a guide: