My perspective on docker/kubernetes setups is, that those technologies were and are overhyped and often seen as a “one size fits all” solution for anything.
The “old school” setup based an operating system distribution and packages has a lot problems and complexities, it is hard to actually understand how it works, what is happening and how things should be done right.
But the misconception I see here is that something based on docker/podman/kubernetes replaces all of that, mostly it builds on top and often conflicts with the existing systems. Instead of replacing the need to know how to a specific OS works and how components interact there with the need to know how docker/kubernetes/podman/whatever works, you now have to know how both of those things work.
I do have limited insight in the whole container ecosystem and existing setups, but from what I have seen, often the “nicely containerd setup” does not consists of carefully engineerd bare-minimum containers with only the necessary libraries and carefully watched dependencies but of bunch of Ubuntus in varied versions where someone just did enough to get some specific piece of software running on top.
At this point you replaced your already complex system of different dependencies and a lot of interactions with one where the number went up by an order of magnitude. Instead of patching the one vulnerable instance of a library, there are now probably about six around.
And since a lot of these containers are just downloaded from dockerhub, you would have to examine every single one of them, upgrade them, patch them, and rebuild them.
Of course there also changes in the runtime itself from time to time which have to be taken care of.
But updating is not the only problem, I once had a broken Icinga setup where the problem was a full volume for the Icinga container.
Full filesystems are still one of the most common causes of system failures and instead of having one or two of those, where most admins know how to detect that, you now have five or then and most admins have no idea about how to handle that and all that namespace magic.
The usual check_disk
Service on the container hypervisor did not see or watch the container volumes properly and nobody thought about it.
My impression is, that deployment with docker is fairly easy, which makes it very attractive, but maintenance and debugging are harder, due to the increased complexity.
Regarding kubernetes (and derivatives and similar systems), they are great and cool and fix a problem, where you have to coordinate a lot of components and ressources and have to be very flexible and responsive (automatic scaling of web servers based on demand on such things).
But that’s a very specific problem for specific systems. The common sentence here is “You don’t have Google problems” and that is still true for most setups which are rather static and should just work in the same way most of the time.
From the lines above one might get the impression, that I resent container technologies and powerfull ressource management systems (kubernetes) in general, but this is not the case.
Containers are great for certain things, for example software testing and packaging, since you start every run with a “clean” system which is always the same (ideally). Also, for practical reasons, having a few containers running the odd old production critical service which needs an Ubuntu 14.04 or something like that is probably the most managable way to do it.
And kubernetes is probably a good way to construct complex systems from a central control point and a cool system to thing and control ressource management.
But don’t just jump for it, because it’s “the way things are done now” or everybody seems to talk about it. Good infrastructure is boring and there is nothing much to talk about, because it works.
Regarding Icinga specifically, containerd setups are tricky, icinga2
heavily relies on the Monitoring Plugins to monitor stuff, therefore they must be available in the container somehow. Scaling, replication and so are done by icinga2
itself internally, trying to do that with kubernets just gets you two conflicting philosophies and a non functional system.
Separate the web interface from the core makes the most sense until you want to use some of the modules as Monitoring Plugins (“director health checks”, “businessprocess”, “x509”), since those interfaces are not available via HTTP API but only via local execution.
The Icinga stack as whole does not fit nicely in the way docker/kubernetes/etc work, it is a system designed more than a decade ago and with the interfaces and strategies of the time in mind.
Sorry for the long post, I hope it sheds some lights on my opinions here. Feel free to ask if there is something unclear (it made sense in my head