Possible to Read Grafana Graph URL in Notifications?

Hey all, is it somehow possible to read Grafana Graph URL for showing up in notification? I also found Notifications with Grafana graphs but this isnt helpful for me, as i have many grafana dashboards and panels and dont want to configure every one of them manually in every service. Anybody has a good solution or idea ?

Thanks and kr

Hi and welcome,

you can use the URL like the notification script you found. The module can only handle things icingaweb2 knows. Other dasboards that are not configured in the module, you cant use with notifications.


Hey thanks,

sorry i dont understand. The notification script i found need all parameters manually. But i configured via grafana graph plugin many different graphs and i wanted to know if i can access the generated Graph URL in any self written notification script? and if yes,whats the name of the variable?=

kr fl0w


for direct usage of grafana you need to know which dashbaord uid you have to use. Nearly impossible to put that into a notification script. What you can easily do is use the reverse-proxy mode of my module. To get a hint how the url has too look, just enable debug mode and you will see how the module generates an url to get the graph.
