Place Checks on windows-server

Hey guys,

small question:

Now I developed some simple powershell scripts to check some things under windows on different windows-servers.
On all my virtual windows-servers (100+) I installed the icinga2-agent which is connected to a satellite. This satellite is connected to a master with director management.

The most servers has there own customized scripts under “C:\Programm Files\ICINGA2\sbin\script1.ps1” (as e.g.).

How you do manage, that all of your windows-servers has the same scripts on that location without to place it manual on 100 servers?

Example: I wrote a new powershell-script that I need on every server to check some special things via powershell. What is the best way to publish this script to all servers to get it executed by icinga-agent?

Best regards,

Hi @phylipp
I have a script library on github. When I finally release a check to all servers, I push the changes to the repository. Every night Ansible downloads this repository and distributes the scripts to all Windows servers.

Best regards,

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Typical job for Ansible, Saltstack or similar tools.

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