Hi all,
when I create an ldap or a new resource from the interface Configuration/Application/Resources. When I restart the container all is gone. how to make this config persisitent?
I already tested the modification by hand of the resources.ini in both /etc/icinagaweb2/ and /data/etc/icinagaweb2, nothing! config disappears once the container restarts!
Please only use /data/etc/icingaweb2 for storage within the container, as /etc/icingaweb2 is ephemeral. Following the (a bit short) documentation in GitHub - Icinga/docker-icingaweb2, you need to manually populate the configuration files.
Run the setup wizard as usual. It will store all configuration in /data/etc/icingaweb2. Hint: docker run --rm -v icingaweb:/data icinga/icingaweb2 icingacli setup token create
Hi, Thank you for your response.
I still have the problem : when I edit resource.ini in /data/etc/icingaweb/ inside the icingaweb conatainer, when I restart the conatiner, the config I made in resource.ini is gone.
In the logs I don’t undertnad that it keeps regeneragting /data/etc/icingaweb/ when the container restart.
Solve it!
to configure icingaweb resource.ini or auth.ini or role.ini (the files under /data/etc/icingaweb/) you need to use the config in the docker compose file. like this for creating an ldap resource for exemple :
icingaweb.resources.ldap-res.type: “ldap”
icingaweb.resources.ldap-res.hostname: “”
icingaweb.resources.ldap-res.port: “389”
icingaweb.resources.ldap-res.encryption: “none”
icingaweb.resources.ldap-res.root_dn: “dc=dda”
icingaweb.resources.ldap-res.bind_dn: “uid=svg.SEC,ou=client,o=security,o=level2,dc=dda”
icingaweb.resources.ldap-res.bind_pw: “blabla”
icingaweb.resources.ldap-res.timeout: “5”