Passive check -- Questions

Hello everyone,

I’ve 2 questions about some passive_check :slight_smile:

Currently, we work with icinga 2.11.4-1
I’ve some passive check and when I configure my passive check, I put this line inside apply service file:

  • enable_active_checks = false

If I would like to set a check interval with this value: 15 minutes (check_interval = 15m), on my icinga web, this interval check is stuck on 30m

If I would like to set a check interval with this value: 93600 secondes (check_interval = 93600s), on my icinga web, this interval check is stuck on 52h

I remove enable_active_checks = false from my apply service file and then surprise!
I can see on my icinga web the value that I’ve set inside my apply service file.

I think that I’ve missed something inside the documentation.
So my first question is:

  • What is the utility to put enable_active_checks = false ?

I have also see that when I put this enable_active_checks = false inside my apply service file, I’ve sometime this issue (a small clock):
Screenshot 2020-07-15 at 11.43.44

And my service has a red bullet:

And sometimes, I also have a red bullet inside the reachable.

So my second question is:

  • Is it possible to find with a curl (or another way) if a service is in no reachable mode ?

Thanks for your help.
