Pass an array to check_by_ssh


i try to create a check_by_ssh command to check free disk space.
I have managed to get the command executed, but I am failing to pass the disk_exclude_type parameter.

When I try, I get the following error message:

Error: Error while evaluating expression: Mixing both strings and non-strings in macros is not allowed.
Location: in /usr/share/icinga2/include/command-plugins.conf: 2167:18-2167:42
/usr/share/icinga2/include/command-plugins.conf(2165): }
/usr/share/icinga2/include/command-plugins.conf(2166): “-C” = {{
/usr/share/icinga2/include/command-plugins.conf(2167): var command = macro(“$by_ssh_command$”)
/usr/share/icinga2/include/command-plugins.conf(2168): var arguments = macro(“$by_ssh_arguments$”)

I am relatively sure that I have to use the argument by_ssh_arguments, but I couldn’t find an example for it.
At the moment I have worked around the error by writing the individual filesystems into the command.
However, this makes the command rather complicated and difficult to read.

Working Configuration:

object CheckCommand "check_disk_by_ssh" {
    import "plugin-check-command"
    command = [ PluginDir + "/check_by_ssh" ]
    timeout = 1m
    vars.by_ssh_address = "$check_address$"
    vars.by_ssh_command = "/home/icinga/nagios_commands/check_disk  -w $disk_wfree$ -c $disk_cfree$ -X none -X tmpfs -X sysfs -X proc -X configfs -X devtmpfs -X devfs -X mtmfs -X tracefs -X cgroup -X fuse.gvfsd-fuse -X fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon -X fdescfs -X overlay -X nsfs -X squashfs -m"
    vars.by_ssh_quiet = false
    vars.check_address = {
        arguments = [  ]
        deprecated = false
        name = "<anonymous>"
        side_effect_free = false
        type = "Function"
    vars.check_ipv4 = "$by_ssh_ipv4$"
    vars.check_ipv6 = "$by_ssh_ipv6$"
    vars.disk_cfree = "10%"
    vars.disk_exclude_type = [
    vars.disk_megabytes = true
    vars.disk_wfree = "20%"

Not Working Configuration:

object CheckCommand "check_disk_by_ssh" {
    import "plugin-check-command"
    command = [ PluginDir + "/check_by_ssh" ]
    timeout = 1m
    vars.by_ssh_address = "$check_address$"
    vars.by_ssh_command = "/home/icinga/nagios_commands/check_disk  -w $disk_wfree$ -c $disk_cfree$ -X $disk_exclude_type$ -m"
    vars.by_ssh_quiet = false
    vars.check_address = {
        arguments = [  ]
        deprecated = false
        name = "<anonymous>"
        side_effect_free = false
        type = "Function"
    vars.check_ipv4 = "$by_ssh_ipv4$"
    vars.check_ipv6 = "$by_ssh_ipv6$"
    vars.disk_cfree = "10%"
    vars.disk_exclude_type = [
    vars.disk_megabytes = true
    vars.disk_wfree = "20%"

Best regards