Nscp-local-uptime warning and critical filters

I’m wanting to check uptime using nscp-local-uptime for machines that are in need of a reboot for updates. e.g. if a server has been up for over 90 days, we want to issue a warning, above 180 days we want to issue a critical.

The filter works when specifying one entry under Nscp Arguments e.g. critical=uptime > 180.0d however if we try to specify the two values e.g. critical=uptime > 180.0d warning=uptime > 90.0d we instantly get “Failed to validate filter see log for details: Critical expression is not valid”.

Messed around with quotes and all sorts but can’t get it to process?


inspect the executed command line and try it manually on your Windows client.


Ah, is the execution logged somewhere?

It is stored inside the runtime object, accessible via REST API. Since you’ve mentioned that you’re using the Director, this implements a hook inside the detail view which is called “Inspect”.
