Hey there,
For the Go-Live of my Icinga2-Environment I needed to re-install Icinga2 completely new. I’m now on my way to install the Director, and stepped over error-messages when installing the module ipl (due to the old one being deprecated).
When following the guide on GitHub - Icinga/icinga-php-library: Bundle for all Icinga PHP libraries while importing the Tarball-version:
&& wget -q "https://github.com/Icinga/icinga-php-library/archive/$INSTALL_VERSION.tar.gz" -O - \
| tar xfz - -C "$INSTALL_PATH" --strip-components 1
I got the error
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
A mutual error occurs when trying to download it with git. Do I have some kind of error in it? With the old ipl module everything worked fine, and the other modules work fine as well.
Any suggestions for me?