Non existent host fails to deploy


I’ve been trying to configure a host to be used as a satellite. I originally created a zone for it with a dependency on the master zone and placed the host entry within that zone.

I did not see the host appear in the list of managed hosts and noticed the below error. I treid a number of fixes via the gui, eventuallly deleting the host object.

However I cannot deploy the configuration because the below error persists, even though I have no (0) host objects configured. How can I stop Directory trying to deploy an object that doesn’t show up?

[2019-04-11 15:02:57 +0100] information/cli: Icinga application loader (version: r2.10.4-1)
[2019-04-11 15:02:57 +0100] information/cli: Loading configuration file(s).
[2019-04-11 15:02:58 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Committing config item(s).
[2019-04-11 15:02:58 +0100] information/ApiListener: My API identity: mymast4er.mydomain.local
[2019-04-11 15:02:58 +0100] critical/config: Error: Endpoint ‘siteanode.mydomain.local’ does not belong to a zone.
Location: in [stage]/zones.d/mymast4er.mydomain.local/endpoints.conf: 1:0-1:54
[stage]/zones.d/mymast4er.mydomain.local/endpoints.conf(1): object Endpoint “siteanode.mydomain.local” {
[stage]/zones.d/mymast4er.mydomain.local/endpoints.conf(2): host = “siteanode.mydomain.local”
[stage]/zones.d/mymast4er.mydomain.local/endpoints.conf(3): port = “5665”

[2019-04-11 15:02:58 +0100] critical/config: 1 error

Navigate into the Icinga Infrastructure section, pick Endpoints and remove siteanode.mydomain.local. Then deploy again.

Note: Zone and Endpoint objects shouldn’t be created inside the Director, just imported from the local initial setup configuration. Use this feature with care.


OK, I was trying to get the initial zones correct before importing into Director in another thread in which we talked. I eventually reverted back to a vanilla config and tried creating the zones & endpoints in Directory

So you’re saying that Zones & Endpoints should NEVER be created in Director, even after the initial vanilla import completes?