No performance data in Influxdb


I’m quite sure there is somewhere the answer for my question but cannot find it.
The situation - trying to collect performance data to Influxdb but don’t see any there.

OS: CentOS 8.1
Icinga version: 2.11.4-1
Influxdb version: 1.8.0

icinga2 feature list
Disabled features: compatlog debuglog elasticsearch gelf graphite opentsdb statusdata syslog
Enabled features: api checker command ido-mysql influxdb livestatus mainlog notification perfdata

Config /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/influxdb.conf

library "perfdata"
object InfluxdbWriter "influxdb" {
  host = ""
  port = 8086
  database = "icinga2"
  username = "icinga2"
  password = "icinga2"
  host_template = {
    measurement = "$host.check_command$"
    tags = {
        hostname = "$$"
  service_template = {
    measurement = "$service.check_command$"
    tags = {
      hostname = "$$"
      service = "$$"


> show users
user          admin
icinga2       false

> show grants for icinga2
database privilege

> show databases
name: databases

> show measurements

and here is nothing.

Also, selinux package is installed:

yum install icinga2-selinux
ps -eZ | grep icinga2
system_u:system_r:icinga2_t:s0  10782 ?        00:00:00 icinga2
system_u:system_r:icinga2_t:s0  10797 ?        00:00:03 icinga2
system_u:system_r:icinga2_t:s0  10798 ?        00:00:14 icinga2

Don’t know why there is 3 processes.

setsebool -P icinga2_can_connect_all true (need to allow Icinga to connect to all ports)

I can see performance data in IcingaWeb2 interface.
Where can I check else why it’s not saving data to Influxdb?

Icinga’s logfile will tell you.There you should find sometime like:

[2020-07-10 06:30:32 +0200] information/WorkQueue: #5 (InfluxdbWriter, influxdb) items: 1, rate: 1.38333/s (83/min 426/5min 1280/15min);

or an error message.

Indeed, there is the message:

[2020-07-10 13:42:33 +0300] information/WorkQueue: #5 (InfluxdbWriter, influxdb) items: 0, rate: 4.08333/s (245/min 1128/5min 3380/15min)

getting it every 5 min
what should I get from this message?

It tells you how many items are sent to influxdb. Maybe you should enable debuglog to get more detailed information.

Got it in debuglog (last entry), nothing about Influxdb

 [2020-07-10 15:32:04 +0300] debug/IdoMysqlConnection: Query: UPDATE icinga_servicestatus SET acknowledgement_type = '0',  active_checks_enabled = '1',  check_command = 'check_apc_ups',  check_source = 'Icinga.local',  check_type = '0',  current_check_attempt = '1',  current_notification_number = '0',  current_state = '0',  endpoint_object_id = 289,  event_handler_enabled = '1',  execution_time = '0.455354',  flap_detection_enabled = '0',  has_been_checked = '1',  instance_id = 1,  is_flapping = '0',  is_reachable = '1',  last_check = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594384324),  last_hard_state = '0',  last_hard_state_change = FROM_UNIXTIME(1583410950),  last_state_change = FROM_UNIXTIME(1583410950),  last_time_ok = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594384324),  latency = '0.000385',  long_output = '',  max_check_attempts = '5',  next_check = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594384383),  next_notification = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594385727),  normal_check_interval = '1',  notifications_enabled = '1',  original_attributes = 'null',  output = 'OK: Battery Rack doesn\'t need a replacement',  passive_checks_enabled = '1',  percent_state_change = '0',  perfdata = '',  problem_has_been_acknowledged = '0',  process_performance_data = '1',  retry_check_interval = '0.500000',  scheduled_downtime_depth = '0',  service_object_id = 888,  should_be_scheduled = '1',  state_type = '1',  status_update_time = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594384324

The only entry with influxdb (sorry for long log):

[2020-07-10 15:38:16 +0300] debug/IdoMysqlConnection: Query: UPDATE icinga_servicestatus SET acknowledgement_type = '0',  active_checks_enabled = '1',  check_command = 'icinga',  check_source = 'Icinga.local',  check_type = '0',  current_check_attempt = '1',  current_notification_number = '0',  current_state = '0',  endpoint_object_id = 289,  event_handler_enabled = '1',  execution_time = '0.001407',  flap_detection_enabled = '0',  has_been_checked = '1',  instance_id = 1,  is_flapping = '0',  is_reachable = '1',  last_check = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594384696),  last_hard_state = '0',  last_hard_state_change = FROM_UNIXTIME(1581600003),  last_state_change = FROM_UNIXTIME(1581600003),  last_time_ok = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594384696),  latency = '0.000138',  long_output = '',  max_check_attempts = '5',  next_check = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594384753),  next_notification = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594385727),  normal_check_interval = '1',  notifications_enabled = '1',  original_attributes = 'null',  output = 'Icinga 2 has been running for 17 minutes and 18 seconds. Version: 2.11.4-1',  passive_checks_enabled = '1',  percent_state_change = '0',  perfdata = 'api_num_conn_endpoints=19 api_num_endpoints=20 api_num_http_clients=0 api_num_json_rpc_anonymous_clients=1 api_num_json_rpc_relay_queue_item_rate=7.350000 api_num_json_rpc_relay_queue_items=1 api_num_json_rpc_sync_queue_item_rate=0 api_num_json_rpc_sync_queue_items=0 api_num_json_rpc_work_queue_item_rate=2.850000 api_num_not_conn_endpoints=1 checkercomponent_checker_idle=564 checkercomponent_checker_pending=1 idomysqlconnection_ido-mysql_queries_rate=5.216667 idomysqlconnection_ido-mysql_queries_1min=313 idomysqlconnection_ido-mysql_queries_5mins=1955 idomysqlconnection_ido-mysql_queries_15mins=5834 idomysqlconnection_ido-mysql_query_queue_items=0 idomysqlconnection_ido-mysql_query_queue_item_rate=7.566667 **influxdbwriter_influxdb_work_queue_items=0** **influxdbwriter_influxdb_work_queue_item_rate=2.533333 influxdbwriter_influxdb_data_queue_items=0** livestatuslistener_livestatus_connections=0 active_host_checks=0.033333 passive_host_checks=0 active_host_checks_1min=2 passive_host_checks_1min=0 active_host_checks_5min=73 passive_host_checks_5min=0 active_host_checks_15min=216 passive_host_checks_15min=0 active_service_checks=2.483333 passive_service_checks=0 active_service_checks_1min=149 passive_service_checks_1min=0 active_service_checks_5min=1020 passive_service_checks_5min=0 active_service_checks_15min=3075 passive_service_checks_15min=0 current_pending_callbacks=0 current_concurrent_checks=6 remote_check_queue=0 min_latency=0 max_latency=0.020107 avg_latency=0.000907 min_execution_time=0.000119 max_execution_time=14.790000 avg_execution_time=1.492752 num_services_ok=451 num_services_warning=5 num_services_critical=29 num_services_unknown=10 num_services_pending=0 num_services_unreachable=29 num_services_flapping=0 num_services_in_downtime=0 num_services_acknowledged=19 num_services_handled=48 num_services_problem=44 uptime=1038.828546 num_hosts_up=63 num_hosts_down=7 num_hosts_pending=0 num_hosts_unreachable=0 num_hosts_flapping=0 num_hosts_in_downtime=0 num_hosts_acknowledged=2 num_hosts_handled=2 num_hosts_problem=7 last_messages_sent=1594384695.744403 last_messages_received=1594384696.314402 sum_messages_sent_per_second=2.250000 sum_messages_received_per_second=2.750000 sum_bytes_sent_per_second=182.050000 sum_bytes_received_per_second=553.233333',  problem_has_been_acknowledged = '0',  process_performance_data = '1',  retry_check_interval = '0.500000',  scheduled_downtime_depth = '0',  service_object_id = 296,  should_be_scheduled = '1',  state_type = '1',  status_update_time = FROM_UNIXTIME(1594384696) WHERE service_object_id = 296