I have migrated my icinga2 from one instance to another, after importing the backup I am getting “Monitoring backend ‘icinga’ is not running.” in dashboard and in logs I am getting.
Reconnecting to MySQL IDO database 'ido-mysql'
Exception during database operation: Verify that your database is operational!
Schema version '1.14.2' does not match the required version '1.14.3' (or newer)! Please >
while checking in the db with this
select instance_id,program_version,is_currently_running,endpoint_name,status_update_time from icinga_programstatus;
| instance_id | program_version | is_currently_running | endpoint_name | status_update_time |
| 1 | r2.7.0-1 | 1 |icinga1.cloud.com | 2023-03-10 06:00:01 |
the new hostname is icinga2.cloud.com and the last update is also not changing,
what can be done to solve this?