Monitor LDAP queries on Active Directory controllers

Just finished setting up the monitoring of:

  • Queries > 100000 visited entries as full record
  • Queries > 1000ms as full record
  • Queries per IP > 100 pro 600s as count per ClientIP and 10min block
  • Queries pro Stunde > 3500 just count

Not sure if they are best practice or just current need but I thought a write-up could help somebody.

I started with a request from a AD administrator to see what “my” monitoring can do for him.

A internet search let me to and a plan emerged.

In the end, I got him to setup and deposit 50MB of 1644 events in *.evtx files, one per ADC, every hour into a share (D:\ADEventLogs) on a Windows server with the Icinga2 agent and the Linuxfabrik monitoring plugins installed.
Next I mangled the PowerShell script by ripping out the excel parts, rewriting the timestamps for SQLite compatibility, replaced | with ¦ for Icinga compatibility and removed the timestamp from the generated CSVs filenames.

Function mcConvertClient ($Client)
{ # Extract IP or Port from client string [0] based on [1]
		[regex]$regexIPV6 = '(?<IP>\[[A-Fa-f0-9:%]{1,}\])\:(?<Port>([0-9]+))'
		[regex]$regexIPV4 =	'((?<IP>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})\:(?<Port>[0-9]+))|(?<IP>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})'
		[regex]$KnownClient = '(?<IP>([G-Z])\w+)'
	    switch -regex ($Client[0])
		{ # $client[1] is either IP or Port
	        $regexIPV6 { $mcReturn = $matches.($client[1]) }
	        $regexIPV4 { $mcReturn = $matches.($client[1]) }
		    $KnownClient { $mcReturn = $matches.($client[1]) }

$PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
Write-Host "Event1644ReaderIcinga:"
Write-Host "Started at $(Get-Date)"
	$mcScriptPath = Split-Path ((Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 0).Value).MyCommand.Path
	$mcEventPath = 'D:\ADEventLogs'
# Convert evtx to csv.'
	Get-ChildItem -Path $mcEventPath | Where {$_.extension -eq '.evtx'} | ForEach ($_) { #Loop through *.evtx
		Write-Host ('Reading ',$_.Name)
		$mcEvents = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Path=$mcEventPath+'\'+$_.Name; LogName="Directory Service"; id="1644" } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
		If ($mcEvents -ne $null)
		{ #dump 1644 event to corresponding CSV
			$mcHeader = 0
			$mcOutFile = $mcEventPath+'\1644-'+$_.BaseName.Substring(0, 12)+'.csv' # ADHOSTNAME01
			Write-Host ('	Event 1644 found, generating', $mcOutFile)
			$mc1644 = New-Object System.Object
			ForEach ($mcEvent in $mcEvents)
			{ #Convert 1644 event to fields
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LDAPServer				-force -Value $mcEvent.MachineName
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TimeGenerated			-force -Value $mcEvent.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ClientIP 				-force -Value (mcConvertClient($mcEvent.Properties[4].Value,'IP'))
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ClientPort 				-force -Value (mcConvertClient($mcEvent.Properties[4].Value,'Port'))
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StartingNode			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[0].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Filter				-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[1].Value.replace('|','¦')
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SearchScope 			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[5]
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AttributeSelection 			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[6].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServerControls			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[7].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VisitedEntries 			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[2].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReturnedEntries 			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[3].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UsedIndexes				-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[8].Value # KB 2800945 or later has extra data fields.
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PagesReferenced			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[9].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PagesReadFromDisk 			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[10].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PagesPreReadFromDisk		-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[11].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CleanPagesModified			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[12].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DirtyPagesModified			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[13].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SearchTimeMS			-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[14].Value
				$mc1644 | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AttributesPreventingOptimization	-force -Value $mcEvent.Properties[15].Value
				if ($mcHeader -eq 0)
				{ # Create header for CSV output
					ConvertTo-Csv $mc1644 -NoTypeInformation | Out-File $mcOutFile
					$mcHeader = 1
				{ # normal content for later 1644 events.
					$mcTmp = (ConvertTo-Csv $mc1644 -NoTypeInformation)
					write $mcTmp[1] | Out-File $mcOutFile -Append
		else {
			Write-Host ('  No event 1644 found.')

Write-Host 'Script completed. $(Get-Date)'

As the AD-Admin drops the *.evtx on minute 59, I scheduled the execution of the script at minute 00.

I then setup the Icinga services, utilizing the check via the director.

 * Service Set: Server_Admin AD Event Log
 * assign where "ad-eventlog" in host.vars.custom_tags

apply Service "CSV Values - LDAP Query Time - ADHOSTNAME01 - Queries per IP > 100 pro 600s" {
    import "tpl-service-csv-values-windows"

    max_check_attempts = "1"
    check_interval = 70m
    retry_interval = 70m
    check_timeout = 30s
    notes = "Wenn von einer IP innerhalb 10 Min. mehr als 100 Abfragen kommen / Info Mail. IP Adresse und Anzahl Anfragen.\r\n\r\nLimitierungen:\r\n\r\nMeldungen kommen ca. 30min (Verarbeitungszeit ) bis 1h30min (ältester berücksichtigter Eintrag) verzögert. Dies ist bedingt durch Lieferung der Events um Minute 59 in Blöcken a 50MB, Job started Minute 00 und die Verarbeitung dauert ca. 30min.\r\nDeshalb \"datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour')\"\r\n\r\nWeiter sind die 100 Queries gezählt innerhalb von (Minuten / 10) Blöcken und nicht für jeden Eintrag zurück geschaut ob es jetzt für die letzten 10 Minuten > 100 Queries sind."
    assign where "ad-eventlog" in host.vars.custom_tags
    vars.criticality = "B"
    vars.csv_values_windows_columns_query = "LDAPServer TEXT,TimeGenerated DATE,ClientIP TEXT,ClientPort INTEGER,StartingNode TEXT,Filter TEXT,SearchScope TEXT,AttributeSelection TEXT,ServerControls TEXT,VisitedEntries INTEGER,ReturnedEntries INTEGER,UsedIndexes TEXT,PagesReferenced TEXT,PagesReadFromDisk INTEGER,PagesPreReadFromDisk INTEGER,CleanPagesModified INTEGER,DirtyPagesModified INTEGER,SearchTimeMS INTEGER,AttributesPreventingOptimization TEXT"
    vars.csv_values_windows_filename = "D:\\ADEventLogs\\1644-ADHOSTNAME01.csv"
    vars.csv_values_windows_warning = "0"
    vars.csv_values_windows_warning_query = "select ClientIP, strftime('%H', TimeGenerated) as 'Hour (UTC)', (strftime('%M',TimeGenerated)/10) as 'TimeSlot (10min)', count(*) as Queries from data group by ClientIP, strftime('%H', TimeGenerated), (strftime('%M', TimeGenerated) / 10) having Queries > 100 and datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour') order by Queries DESC"
    vars.teams = [ "Server_Admin" ]
    zone = "master"

    import DirectorOverrideTemplate

apply Service "CSV Values - LDAP Query Time - ADHOSTNAME01 - Queries pro Stunde > 3500" {
    import "tpl-service-csv-values-windows"

    max_check_attempts = "1"
    check_interval = 70m
    retry_interval = 70m
    check_timeout = 30s
    notes = "Wenn innerhalb 1h mehr als 3500 Abfragen auf einem DC stattfinden / Name DC und Anzahl Abfragen.\r\n\r\nLimitierungen:\r\nMeldungen kommen ca. 30min (Verarbeitungszeit ) bis 1h30min (ältester berücksichtigter Eintrag) verzögert. Dies ist bedingt durch Lieferung der Events um Minute 59 in Blöcken a 50MB, Job started Minute 00 und die Verarbeitung dauert ca. 30min.\r\nDeshalb \"datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour')\""
    assign where "ad-eventlog" in host.vars.custom_tags
    vars.criticality = "B"
    vars.csv_values_windows_columns_query = "LDAPServer TEXT,TimeGenerated DATE,ClientIP TEXT,ClientPort INTEGER,StartingNode TEXT,Filter TEXT,SearchScope TEXT,AttributeSelection TEXT,ServerControls TEXT,VisitedEntries INTEGER,ReturnedEntries INTEGER,UsedIndexes TEXT,PagesReferenced TEXT,PagesReadFromDisk INTEGER,PagesPreReadFromDisk INTEGER,CleanPagesModified INTEGER,DirtyPagesModified INTEGER,SearchTimeMS INTEGER,AttributesPreventingOptimization TEXT"
    vars.csv_values_windows_filename = "D:\\ADEventLogs\\1644-ADHOSTNAME01.csv"
    vars.csv_values_windows_warning = "3500"
    vars.csv_values_windows_warning_query = "select count(*) as Queries from data having datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour') "
    vars.teams = [ "Server_Admin" ]
    zone = "master"

    import DirectorOverrideTemplate

apply Service "CSV Values - LDAP Query Time - ADHOSTNAME01 - Queries > 100000 visited entries" {
    import "tpl-service-csv-values-windows"

    max_check_attempts = "1"
    check_interval = 70m
    retry_interval = 70m
    check_timeout = 30s
    notes = "Wenn Visited entries höher Anzahl 100000 ist  / Info Mail. ganzer Inhalt des Eventlog Eintragens.\r\n\r\nLimitierungen:\r\nMeldungen kommen ca. 30min (Verarbeitungszeit ) bis 1h30min (ältester berücksichtigter Eintrag) verzögert. Dies ist bedingt durch Lieferung der Events um Minute 59 in Blöcken a 50MB, Job started Minute 00 und die Verarbeitung dauert ca. 30min.\r\nDeshalb \"datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour')\""
    assign where "ad-eventlog" in host.vars.custom_tags
    vars.criticality = "B"
    vars.csv_values_windows_columns_query = "LDAPServer TEXT,TimeGenerated DATE,ClientIP TEXT,ClientPort INTEGER,StartingNode TEXT,Filter TEXT,SearchScope TEXT,AttributeSelection TEXT,ServerControls TEXT,VisitedEntries INTEGER,ReturnedEntries INTEGER,UsedIndexes TEXT,PagesReferenced TEXT,PagesReadFromDisk INTEGER,PagesPreReadFromDisk INTEGER,CleanPagesModified INTEGER,DirtyPagesModified INTEGER,SearchTimeMS INTEGER,AttributesPreventingOptimization TEXT"
    vars.csv_values_windows_filename = "D:\\ADEventLogs\\1644-ADHOSTNAME01.csv"
    vars.csv_values_windows_warning = "0"
    vars.csv_values_windows_warning_query = "select * from data where datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour') and VisitedEntries > 100000 order by VisitedEntries DESC"
    vars.teams = [ "Server_Admin" ]
    zone = "master"

    import DirectorOverrideTemplate

apply Service "CSV Values - LDAP Query Time - ADHOSTNAME01 - Queries > 1000ms" {
    import "tpl-service-csv-values-windows"

    max_check_attempts = "1"
    check_interval = 70m
    retry_interval = 70m
    check_timeout = 30s
    notes = "Wenn eine Abfrage mehr als 1000 ms benötigt  / Info Mail. ganzer Inhalt des Eventlog Eintrages.\r\n\r\nLimitierungen:\r\nMeldungen kommen ca. 30min (Verarbeitungszeit ) bis 1h30min (ältester berücksichtigter Eintrag) verzögert. Dies ist bedingt durch Lieferung der Events um Minute 59 in Blöcken a 50MB, Job started Minute 00 und die Verarbeitung dauert ca. 30min.\r\nDeshalb \"datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour')\""
    assign where "ad-eventlog" in host.vars.custom_tags
    vars.criticality = "B"
    vars.csv_values_windows_columns_query = "LDAPServer TEXT,TimeGenerated TEXT,ClientIP TEXT,ClientPort INTEGER,StartingNode TEXT,Filter TEXT,SearchScope TEXT,AttributeSelection TEXT,ServerControls TEXT,VisitedEntries INTEGER,ReturnedEntries INTEGER,UsedIndexes TEXT,PagesReferenced TEXT,PagesReadFromDisk INTEGER,PagesPreReadFromDisk INTEGER,CleanPagesModified INTEGER,DirtyPagesModified INTEGER,SearchTimeMS INTEGER,AttributesPreventingOptimization TEXT"
    vars.csv_values_windows_filename = "D:\\ADEventLogs\\1644-ADHOSTNAME01.csv"
    vars.csv_values_windows_warning = "0"
    vars.csv_values_windows_warning_query = "select * from data where datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour') and SearchTimeMS >1000 order by SearchTimeMS DESC"
    vars.teams = [ "Server_Admin" ]
    zone = "master"

    import DirectorOverrideTemplate

Repeat and adapt above services for additional AD controllers.

I wrote a second script to trigger the checks at a precise time via the Icinga2 API’s actions/rescheduling-checks and scheduled that at minute 30, as converting to CSV takes about 6-8min per *.evtx file. Because of this and the hourly drops, I set having datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour') or where datetime(TimeGenerated) >= datetime('now', '-1.5 Hour') limits.

Function scheduleIcingaCheck ($service)
    $headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
    $headers.Add("Accept", " application/json")
    $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic AUTH")
    $Body = '{
	    "type": "Service",
	    "service": "' + $service + '",
	    "pretty": true
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Method POST -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $Body

$PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
Write-Host "Event1644ReaderIcinga:"
Write-Host "Started at $(Get-Date)"
	$mcScriptPath = Split-Path ((Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 0).Value).MyCommand.Path
	$mcEventPath = 'D:\ADEventLogs'

# Request Check via REST-API
Get-ChildItem -Path $mcEventPath | Where {$_.extension -eq '.evtx'} | ForEach ($_) { #Loop through *.evtx
    $ad_hostname = $_.BaseName.Substring(0, 12)
    $hostname = ''
    # -wenn von einer IP innerhalb 10 Min. mehr als 100 Abfragen kommen / Info Mail. IP Adresse und Anzahl Anfragen
    # -wenn eine abfrage mehr als 1000 ms benötigt  / Info Mail. ganzer Inhalt des Eventlog Eintragens
    # -wenn in innerhalb 1h mehr als 3500 Abfragen auf einem DC stattfinden / Name DC und Anzahl Abfragen
    # -wenn Visited entries höher Anzahl 100000 ist  / Info Mail. ganzer Inhalt des Eventlog Eintragens
    $service_prefix = $hostname + '!' + 'CSV Values - LDAP Query Time - '
    $checks = @('Queries per IP > 100 pro 600s','Queries > 1000ms','Queries pro Stunde > 3500', 'Queries > 100000 visited entries')
    ForEach ($check in $checks){
        $service = $service_prefix + $ad_hostname.ToUpper() + ' - ' + $check
        Write-Host ('    Requesting Icinga Check: ' + $service)

Write-Host 'Script completed. $(Get-Date)'

Thanks again @linuxfabrik for writing the csv-values check the way you did and not what I originally requested :wink:


Hi Dominik,

Thank you very much for sharing, this is great. The post describes how you do things, but could you add at the top a small section describing:

  1. What you are trying to achieve
  2. What alerts will be generated, with Warning and Critical thresholds, if applicable
  3. For each alert, the triggering condition(s) and the clearing condition(s)
  4. The list of prerequisites: access rights, tools available (and minimum versions), firewall rules, etc.

This will save us readers a lot of time trying to reverse-engineer the code.

Thanks a lot again,

  1. Making the AD-Admin happy
  2. The list on the top isn’t enough? Have a look at vars.csv_values_windows_warning and vars.csv_values_windows_warning_query for the thresholds and the applicable queries to arrive at the data. Anyway see the list at the top for the requested checks and data in the resulting alerts. notes = may be also of interesst. Use deepl or similar to translate the notes from German to get details about the limits of the SQL queries.
  3. See above but as additional, the state will clear in a hour if no new records matching the query and the threshold are found.
  4. I stated the part on my side but the what the AD administrator had to do is beyond me and is documented by the linked guide. How he dumps the events as *.evtx files into the share I provided, I don’t know.

Do you have more specific questions?