Module Puppetdb


The Puppetdb Module provides the extended capability for the Director module to add an Puppetdb as an import source for the director.


The module can be found here

The Instructions on how to install the module can be found here

Additional Info

Information how to use the import source can be found here

To Do’s

We would also like to know how you use the Puppetdb module to import your hosts and services into your environment so please share it with us.

In written :open_book: form or even as a screencast in :video_camera: visual form


since Icinga2 supports the proxy CA, we have four PuppetDBs in different locations (and networks):

  • Linode
  • Datacenter 1
  • Datacenter 2
  • Office

With VPN, we made it possible, that the Director is able to connect to all PostgreSQL servers to fetch all nodes. So we have four sources and for all of them, we have sync rules. Two of the most important rules are:

  1. Set, which is a Puppet fact from facts.datacenter
  2. Add host templates for imports, out of the facts.role (which is a stripped hostname, like dc1-rack-mariadb-01. So the facts.role is mariadb)

We have a lot of them, all assigned via the PuppetDB Director module. We have a lot of rules too, to set many host.vars, like block devices, to assign rules for Samsung SSD smarts, or Crucial (Which brings it own check tool) and many many more.

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