Missing Database Table "rememberme" after Updating

Hi there,

after i updated icinga to the current version, everything seemed to have gone through successfully. I also ran the SQL wizard without any errors.

After I was able to log in without any problems (I set the “Remember” option), Icinga Web now says:

SQLSTATE [42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘icingaweb_db.icingaweb_rememberme’ doesn’t exist

What could I have forgotten that the appropriate table doesn’t exist? Do I still have to update something?

Best Regards

Hi there,

after i updated icinga to the current version, everything seemed to have
gone through successfully. I also ran the SQL wizard without any errors.

After I was able to log in without any problems (I set the “Remember”
option), Icinga Web now says:

SQLSTATE [42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table
‘icingaweb_db.icingaweb_rememberme’ doesn’t exist

What could I have forgotten that the appropriate table doesn’t exist? Do I
still have to update something?

Please tell us:

  1. Which version number of Icinga were you previously running?

  2. Which version number of Icinga did you upgrade to?

  3. Which operating system are you running Icinga under?

  4. Which instructions did you follow or what commands did you use in order to
    upgrade Icinga?



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That table was recently added. You have to apply separate database schema migrations for Icinga Web 2, see Upgrading - Icinga Web 2 for more information.

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IIRC, if you have the director module, there’s a nice button to apply schema migrations.

Edit: More than likely, it’s for director schema migrations :sweat_smile:

How exactly do I apply the database schema migrations? I looked at the documentation and I already have the most recent mysql upgrade files in /usr/share/doc/icingaweb2/schema/*-upgrades/. Despite this, I’m receiving the same error as OP when trying to access the web UI.

mysql -u root -p icingaweb2 </usr/share/icingaweb2/etc/schema/mysql-upgrades/2.9.0.sql
mysql -u root -p icingaweb2 </usr/share/icingaweb2/etc/schema/mysql-upgrades/2.9.1.sql
mysql -u root -p icingaweb2 -e "GRANT ALL ON icingaweb2.* TO icingaweb2@localhost"

BTW: Most of the times it’s not a good idea to follow up a solved thread as not much people might recognize your post.


I am running into this issue as of today…but if I open it up on an incognito page it works. Normally I used this with Edge but if I open with incognito page it works or if I just open in Chrome.

Anyone else seen this?

Yes had this with a full upgrade, some browsers were OK, others not. Full history/cache clear and reopen browser and all good. Had same error message as OP.