That table was recently added. You have to apply separate database schema migrations for Icinga Web 2, see Upgrading - Icinga Web 2 for more information.
How exactly do I apply the database schema migrations? I looked at the documentation and I already have the most recent mysql upgrade files in /usr/share/doc/icingaweb2/schema/*-upgrades/. Despite this, I’m receiving the same error as OP when trying to access the web UI.
mysql -u root -p icingaweb2 </usr/share/icingaweb2/etc/schema/mysql-upgrades/2.9.0.sql
mysql -u root -p icingaweb2 </usr/share/icingaweb2/etc/schema/mysql-upgrades/2.9.1.sql
mysql -u root -p icingaweb2 -e "GRANT ALL ON icingaweb2.* TO icingaweb2@localhost"
BTW: Most of the times it’s not a good idea to follow up a solved thread as not much people might recognize your post.
I am running into this issue as of today…but if I open it up on an incognito page it works. Normally I used this with Edge but if I open with incognito page it works or if I just open in Chrome.
Yes had this with a full upgrade, some browsers were OK, others not. Full history/cache clear and reopen browser and all good. Had same error message as OP.