I’m having a icinga configuration with all the configurations done in one serverA and I would like to move it the database locally configured in another server.
Do you know if exists some document to follow it?
I’ll need to do a setup from scratch?
Sincerelly I don’t know who configured the icinga master so I’m blind of current configuration.
Just to understand you correctly:
You are currently using for the “Icinga Configuration” the Icinga Director with MySQL/MariaDB as backend? And now you want to migrate to postgres? I would suggest to use the Directors Config Basket Feature for exporting and importing the Objects. And later on maybe use Icinga Director Import Sources SQL Database and CoreApi to import anything missing.
I believe that would be the best way to migrate for you.
May i ask why you want to migrate?
Ok, many thanks. I’ll check these options on icinga director.
I want to migrate, because I’m having a lot of issues with hight availability configuration. We have two masters configured and only in one the database ( MA ). When MA and MB are up together icinga director is not working. Services and monitors are hang.
I thinking that could be due to database are configured in the same node that MA and it wasn’t configured in a standalone server.
I need to configure a posture standalone server and I want to use it from scratch but I cannot see it any way to say yo icinga this is your new database only in setup configuration module .
I mean that if I enable icinga2 in both servers, services apply rules and host monitor aren’t working. All are hang and if you try to do a check now isn’t working .
Also I’ve found that notifications isn’t working provoking that OnCall not work and we are blind to receive alerts.
I’m not check if icinga director are in both nodes.
But I think that our current configuration is not the best practices of hight availability because for me. Database must be standalone and masters stay connected both to the database and among them…
Hi @alperez,
as @bberg suggested, I think you have a broken HA setup which is irrelevant to where the database is.
If you could provide the icinga2 node configuration (most likely in /etc/icinga2/zones.conf) and the data output configuration (likely /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-*.conf (sounded like you are using the IDO and NOT the IcingaDB backend from your description)) with an description of how you database setup looks like, we might be able to help you