Issue with environment variable $ENV{"HOSTNAME"}

Hi guys,

icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: r2.13.1-1)

System information:
Platform: Debian GNU/Linux
Platform version: 9 (stretch)
Kernel: Linux
Kernel version: 4.9.0-12-amd64
Architecture: x86_64

may I’m blind or I use just the wrong ENV variab, but in perl:

my $hostname = $ENV{“HOSTNAME”};

returns nothing

What is the correct ENV to get the hostname, other ENVs working like expected like:

my $hostalias= $ENV{“HOSTALIAS”};
my $hoststate=$ENV{“HOSTSTATE”};
my $hostoutput=$ENV{“HOSTOUTPUT”};
my $hostaddress=$ENV{“HOSTADDRESS”};
my $servicestate= $ENV{“SERVICESTATE”};
my $longdatetime= $ENV{“LONGDATETIME”};
my $serviceoutput= $ENV{“SERVICEOUTPUT”};

The other thingy is:

my $hostalias= $ENV{“HOSTALIAS”};

returns the display_name

Kind regards

Hi guys,

I’m blind because after around 10 years I forgot about the NotificationCommand.conf

“HOSTNAME” = “$$”