Is it possible to monitor IBM AIX machine cleint/agent machines using NRPE checks?


I’m planning to build an Icinga master server (RHEL 7.9) and I need to monitor IBM AIX server clients using this master server. It seems the agent installation is not possible on AIX servers, however, I guess we can monitor those servers over SSH connections. I prefer to monitor the client AIX servers using NRPE plugins rather than using an SSH-based protocol. So I would like to know if it’s possible to monitor AIX servers using nrpe checks from the master Icinga server?

Also, how can I add these client servers to the icinga2 master server (the agent addition setup)?
Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
Thanks in advance for your answers!

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We had AIX mainframes at my last job, but we paid for an IBM partner to monitor/manage them.

Quick google search turned up some instructions on installing NRPE on AIX 6.1:

I assume that you’re on AIX 7.x, which likely has packages around somewhere as well.

After installation, monitoring via NRPE will be like any other NRPE check – have your scripts/args available in the NRPE config. Of course you can create custom scripts (or find them on Icinga/Nagios exchange on github) that might monitor things you care about on AIX.

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Thank you Ben @steaksauce for sharing your experience.
NRPE service is already configured on our client AIX servers. We haven’t connected the client AIX servers to the Icinga2 master as icing agent install is not possible on AIX servers. How can we add these AIX servers as clients/agents (the Master-agent setup)? Do you have any idea about this? While searching in Google, I see that we can generate client security tokens using some JSON queries from agent machine, but not sure about that.


Sorry! Misread the original question.

This article should get you started: you will want to define the host, and a service that uses the nrpe check command with the nrpe_command as an argument. Your nrpe_commands are defined in the nrpe.cfg on the AIX machine itself