IP adress issue with Icinga Director


I am facing some problems in order to configure a new nrpe check in Icinga Director. This is the original command executed on the command line:

root@mon01:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# ./check_nrpe --host -c check_load
OK - load average: 0.13, 0.09, 0.02|load1=0.130;15.000;30.000;0; load5=0.090;10.000;25.000;0; load15=0.020;5.000;20.000;0;

For some reason the check does not get the IP address when I configure it in Director. I am proceeding as usual: I made the command configuration, the service check and finally the service apply rule. Please find enclosed some screenshots:

03_command_preview 08_service_rule_preview

As you can see on the inspect screenshot, instead showing up the ip address I had configured it shows just this "‘Object of type ‘’‘Host’’’’.

Thank you in advance for your help.




why you create a command for nrpe when there is one in the ITL allready?
Better create a service template which uses the command from ITL and it will use the correct fields, you only have to configure the nrpe_command then.

But if you want your own comand the $host$ is wrong., $host.address$ would be correct.


Hello Carsten,

thank you very much for your help/answer. That did the trick!



Keep in mind that changing the port to something is non-standard and others likely won’t be able to help you in this regard. Everyone expects that port 5665 is used for Icinga distributed environments.