Influxdb2 - Timer Expired, problem?

I’m a new user of Incinga and trying to get the InfluxDB2 integration working.

Logging seems to indicate it is doing something.

[2024-07-18 14:56:17 +0000] debug/Influxdb2Writer: Checkable '!ping' adds to metric list:'ping,,service=ping,metric=rta crit=0.200000,min=0,unit="seconds",value=0.000645,warn=0.100000 1721314577'.
[2024-07-18 14:56:17 +0000] debug/Influxdb2Writer: Checkable '!ping' adds to metric list:'ping,,service=ping,metric=pl crit=15,min=0,unit="percent",value=0,warn=5 1721314577'.
[2024-07-18 14:56:17 +0000] debug/Influxdb2Writer: Checkable '!ping' adds to metric list:'ping,,service=ping acknowledgement=0i,current_attempt=1i,downtime_depth=0i,execution_time=4.107079,latency=0.000858,max_check_attempts=5i,reachable=true,state=0i,state_type=1i 1721314577'.
[2024-07-18 14:56:26 +0000] debug/Influxdb2Writer: Timer expired writing 3 data points
[2024-07-18 14:56:26 +0000] debug/Influxdb2Writer: Flushing data buffer to InfluxDB.
[2024-07-18 14:56:26 +0000] notice/Influxdb2Writer: Reconnecting to InfluxDB on host '' port '8086'.
[2024-07-18 14:56:36 +0000] debug/Influxdb2Writer: Timer expired writing 0 data points

and the InfluxDB logging seems to show it is connecting OK.

Jul 18 14:58:26 nms[46254]: ts=2024-07-18T14:58:26.521080Z lvl=debug msg="user find by ID" log_id=0qT_apKW000 store=new took=0.035ms
Jul 18 14:58:26 nms[46254]: ts=2024-07-18T14:58:26.521362Z lvl=debug msg="org find" log_id=0qT_apKW000 store=new took=0.116ms
Jul 18 14:58:26 nms[46254]: ts=2024-07-18T14:58:26.521543Z lvl=debug msg="bucket find" log_id=0qT_apKW000 store=new took=0.124ms
Jul 18 14:58:26 nms[46254]: ts=2024-07-18T14:58:26.526715Z lvl=debug msg=Request log_id=0qT_apKW000 service=http method=POST host= path=/api/v2/write query="bucket=icinga2&org=monitoring&precision=s" proto=HTTP/1.0 status_code=204 response_size=0 content_length=456 referrer= remote= user_agent=Icinga authenticated_id=0d5d8a6c5acd4000 user_id=0d5d894ffecd4000 took=6.144ms

But nothing appears to be happening in the UI and the logs seem to indicate it is simply timing out?

I’ve gone through the docs but can’t see anyway to make the graphs appear in the UI - maybe i’m expecting them to appear but there is a step missing which isn’t obvious.

Thanks for any help received in advance.

To actually visualise the data you have to use Grafana, the is an integration for Icinga Web 2 to show the graphs in there.

Regarding the timeout I have no idea, maybe a firewall in the way, typo in the address of Influxdb or something like that?

Ah thank you.

No firewall, all on localhost.

Will see how I get on debugging further.

It looks like data is moving along, at least, I can see when I am using the Grafana query tool.

Using the templates, these don’t appear to support InfluxDB2. Have found on partially working for basic services in the Grafana public dashboard library.

It would be nice to see some docs updated for the graphing as the one(s) on the site reference quite out of date information, i.e no distinction between versions of Influx and PNP support is dead given the dev has closed down the project.