I am trying to retrieve information from a Netbox source, first, I try with a curl and it returns the information I need:
curl -H "Authorization: Token xxxxxx" https://netbox.xxx.com/api/dcim/devices/
But when configuring it in Icinga Director, as you can see:
Import source name Netbox test Description XXX
Source Type REST API
Key column name id
Protocol HTTPS
Verify Peer Yes
Verify Host Yes
REST API URL https://netbox.xxx.com/api/dcim/devices/?format=json
Extract property results
HTTP Header “Accept: application/json”
“Authorization: Token xxxxx”
Proxy No
It returns error 400
This Import Source failed when last checked at 2023-07-26 11:18:24: Got 400: '<!DOCTYPE html><title>Error 400</title><p>Error 400. '
I tried:
Removing verify peer/host…
Changing the endpoint and removing format=json
Changing the headers and removing accept application/json