Import icinga configuration to icinga director

Am tring to install director for my icinga cluster.

I need to keep the actuel configuration that is runing in production.

And am wondering if ther is any way to copy all my configuration (zones, endpoints, hosts …) to the icinga director in one shot?

I have checked the director “Import source” and “sync rules” but its seems that i have to choose one by one the faelds that i want to sing witch is tedious task.

Thanks in advance.

I don’t know about such a solution. Second, the result will be different since the director is managing zone end endpoint objects for agents.

Thank you for teh reply.
Whats the best way to import the configuration from icinga et director?

If i sucsead at migrating the configuration ill delet the original and ill start working withe director only.
But for now icant recreate manualu all the hosts and servises i alrady have in prodution.

You could run both versions at the same time even on the same machine.

Does this mean that I will still have to modify the existing configuration the old way?

I’d say yes as long as you want to use the old version.

Sins I can’t import the configuration on the Director.
I have no choice but to use the old version to manage the monitoring currently in production

As @rsx said you can use both ways at once.
You will not be able to edit configuration from the files in side the Director, though you can still use them (like defined commands, templates or users) after running the kickstart wizard.
The other way round will not work though, meaning afaik you can’t use objects defined in the Icinga Director in the local config files.

You could play around with “exporting” your hosts/service templates/… into json files and try importing them with the fileshipper module: GitHub - Icinga/icingaweb2-module-fileshipper: Provide CSV, JSON, XML and YAML files as an Import Source for the Icinga Director and optionally ship hand-crafted additional Icinga2 config files

I think, mixing configuration files and configuration with director on the same icinga2 instance is not a good idea. I would think about setting up a new icinga2 installation in parallel.
I would try to use the icinga2 api to get the configuration from the old icinga2 instance and then use the director api to configure the director. There are some python librarys for the icinga2 api and you can use ansible and the director collection from t-systems (T_Systems_Mms.Icinga_Director — Ansible Documentation) to configure the director through the director api.