IcingaWeb2/IcingaDB-Web: Output display limit

Hello :slight_smile:
As I couldn’t find anything related to this in the documentation or existing github issues, I’m hoping anyone here can share some information :slight_smile:

With some checks we are experiencing missing parts of the output.
And I can’t really figure out what is the limiting factor. Is it bytes, characters or lines?

Two example checks (run on the CLI to get the full output):
Both checks use HTML to display a table in the output.

  • check1: 19351 characters, 68 lines, no perfdata
    – output stops at exactly 10000 characters and 36 lines
  • check2: 15829 characters, 45 lines, 6203 characters of perfdata
    – The webinterface displayed 1815 characters (excluding the perfdata characters), 39 lines
    – I have modified this check to have less linebreaks and white space and now get the whole output displayed at 13358 characters, 7 lines, same perfdata

It looks like the less lines you have, the more characters you can display.

Does anyone know if there are fixed limits?

in 1.1.2 it was hardcoded to 10000 chars

since 1.1.3 its default is 10000 but it can be configured in /etc/icingaweb2/modules/icingadb/config.ini using plugin_output_character_limit .:

Is the content of the output truncated in the database as well?

Do you use the pipe char anywhere in the html output?


nice one! Missed it, as the search in the docs does not return that as a result…

Will try that out. edit: → works!

Nope, output is complete in the DB