Icingadb-redis Bug on RHEL 9

Hello everyone,

This morning we updated the icingadb-redis package on a Rocky 9 system (icingadb-redis-7.2.6-1.el9.x86_64). After that, the Redis server no longer started. From the log:

icingadb-redis-server[2985980]: *** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR (Redis 7.2.6) ***
icingadb-redis-server[2985980]: Can't open the log file: Read-only file system

After a bit of searching on the net, I discovered that the following line is now missing in the service unit:


I can’t explain why the problem is now present in the update, but at least I wanted to report it. We have an active Icinga repository subscription and I didn’t know where to report it. Perhaps it will help others too.

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Thanks for reporting this. The current icingadb-redis default configuration should log to stdout, resulting in systemd forwarding the logs to journald.

# Specify the log file name. Also the empty string can be used to force
# Redis to log on the standard output. Note that if you use standard
# output for logging but daemonize, logs will be sent to /dev/null
logfile ""

However, if you have altered your /etc/icingadb-redis/icingadb-redis.conf configuration file, it may not have been updated by your package manager. Thus I would advice you to

  • either update your configuration file to the latest version or at least set logfile "" or
  • overwrite the systemd unit with the relevant ReadWritePaths as you have already posted.