Working on removing apply services from icinga: wrote a script to extract id’s directly from director db and pass them to icingacli director service delete, without success:
SQL query for services
# this script is used to delete service checks before creating new ones,
# 2022 07 03 + init /A
services_to_delete=$(mysql \
-ss \
-u ${local_username} \
-p${local_password} \
${local_db} \
-e "SELECT id FROM icinga_service WHERE object_type='apply' AND object_name LIKE '%546%';" \
for service in ${services_to_delete[@]}; do
echo $service
[11:38:34 Tue Jul 05] @hostname /data/scripts/# ./
icingacli removing services:
[11:03:32 Tue Jul 05] @hostname /data/scripts/hostname# icingacli director service show "15467"
ERROR: Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError in /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/library/Director/Data/Db/DbObject.php:636 with message: Failed to load icinga_service for host_id IS NULL AND service_set_id IS NULL AND object_name = '15467' AND object_type = 'template'
[11:03:42 Tue Jul 05] @hostname /data/scripts/hostname# icingacli director service show --id 472
ERROR: InvalidArgumentException in /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/library/Director/Cli/ObjectCommand.php:480 with message: Object name parameter is required
[11:04:50 Tue Jul 05] @hostname /data/scripts/hostname# icingacli director service delete "15467"
ERROR: Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError in /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/library/Director/Data/Db/DbObject.php:636 with message: Failed to load icinga_service for host_id IS NULL AND service_set_id IS NULL AND object_name = '15467' AND object_type = 'template'
[11:06:16 Tue Jul 05] @hostname /data/scripts/hostname# icingacli director service delete "15467" --host ''
ERROR: Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError in /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/library/Director/Data/Db/DbObject.php:636 with message: Failed to load icinga_service for host_id IS NULL AND service_set_id IS NULL AND object_name = '15467' AND object_type = 'template'
[11:06:25 Tue Jul 05] @hostname /data/scripts/hostname# icingacli director service delete "15467" --host '*'
ERROR: Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError in /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/library/Director/Data/Db/DbObject.php:642 with message: Failed to load icinga_host "*"
[11:06:28 Tue Jul 05] @hostname /data/scripts/hostname# icingacli director service delete "15467" --host
ERROR: Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError in /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/library/Director/Data/Db/DbObject.php:642 with message: Failed to load icinga_host "1"
[11:06:33 Tue Jul 05] @hostname /data/scripts/hostname# icingacli director service delete "15467" --host 'NULL'
ERROR: Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError in /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/director/library/Director/Data/Db/DbObject.php:642 with message: Failed to load icinga_host "NULL"
I have several questions:
- if serviceapply is stored in DB as service with object_type apply, why it can not be deleted using icingacli?
- why using above mentioned commands, service check can not be found?
- why searching for service, by default, criteria is “AND object_type=‘template’”?
- how to avoid host declaration , if it is NULL ?
MariaDB [(none)]> use director;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
MariaDB [director]> SELECT * FROM icinga_service WHERE id=472 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 472
object_name: 15467
object_type: apply
disabled: n
display_name: NULL
host_id: NULL
service_set_id: NULL
check_command_id: 240
max_check_attempts: NULL
check_period_id: NULL
check_interval: NULL
retry_interval: NULL
check_timeout: NULL
enable_notifications: NULL
enable_active_checks: NULL
enable_passive_checks: NULL
enable_event_handler: NULL
enable_flapping: NULL
enable_perfdata: NULL
event_command_id: NULL
flapping_threshold_high: NULL
flapping_threshold_low: NULL
volatile: NULL
zone_id: NULL
command_endpoint_id: NULL
notes: NULL
notes_url: NULL
action_url: NULL
icon_image: NULL
icon_image_alt: NULL
use_agent: NULL
apply_for: NULL
use_var_overrides: NULL
assign_filter: NULL
template_choice_id: NULL
1 row in set (0.000 sec)
many thanks,