Icinga2 v2.12.3-1 postgresql version supported

We have the version of icinga2 v2.12.3-1 on a Linux Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS. My question is if someone could tell me this version of Icinga which versions of postgresql it supports.

Hi @AngelV ,
I am running 2.13.2-1 on debian with Postgres and it works, so it should work for you, too :slight_smile:

Thank you very much Lorenz, we also have it in a postgresql. The provider forces us to update the version of posgresql. That’s why I ask if anyone knows up to what version of postgresql supports icinga2 version 2.12.3-1

Sorry for the missing answer. AFAIK there is no specific restriction to a specific version of PostgreSQL.
(Meaning: Nobody yet encountered a version change where things break).