Icinga2 Internal Performance stats


Is anyone using icinga-exporter or Telegraf-Icinga plugin for performance stats provided by “icinga”, “cluster”, “ido” . “cluster-zone” or any other better option ?

Not sure if these stats are available by Rest API in Icinga2 2.14 version or will be offered in the future version(s)?


this looks like a rest api endpoint ment to stay:

It seems, the REST api doesn’t provide performance stats but rather app stats only.

Looks like icinga-exporter and Telegraf-icinga plugin only provide the app stats only.

Similar to this ITL-icinga-graphite | Grafana Labs

I was hoping to not use any Icinga feature but api. However the only option currently I see is to use Graphite feature to get those stats.

I will open a feature request to get those stats via API.

there is everything in this endpoint:
here is something in general:

           "name": "CIB",
            "perfdata": [],
            "status": {
                "active_host_checks": 0.05,
                "active_host_checks_15min": 58,
                "active_host_checks_1min": 3,
                "active_host_checks_5min": 25,
                "active_service_checks": 0.11666666666666667,
                "active_service_checks_15min": 145,
                "active_service_checks_1min": 7,
                "active_service_checks_5min": 49,
                "avg_execution_time": 1.7079496443271638,
                "avg_latency": 0.00168096125125885,
                "current_concurrent_checks": 0,
                "current_pending_callbacks": 0,
                "max_execution_time": 45.91765308380127,
                "max_latency": 0.007117033004760742,
                "min_execution_time": 0,
                "min_latency": 0,
                "num_hosts_acknowledged": 0,
                "num_hosts_down": 2,
                "num_hosts_flapping": 0,
                "num_hosts_handled": 0,
                "num_hosts_in_downtime": 0,
                "num_hosts_pending": 0,
                "num_hosts_problem": 2,
                "num_hosts_unreachable": 0,
                "num_hosts_up": 35,
                "num_services_acknowledged": 0,
                "num_services_critical": 10,
                "num_services_flapping": 0,
                "num_services_handled": 3,
                "num_services_in_downtime": 0,
                "num_services_ok": 59,
                "num_services_pending": 0,
                "num_services_problem": 21,
                "num_services_unknown": 5,
                "num_services_unreachable": 3,
                "num_services_warning": 6,
                "passive_host_checks": 0,
                "passive_host_checks_15min": 0,
                "passive_host_checks_1min": 0,
                "passive_host_checks_5min": 0,
                "passive_service_checks": 0,
                "passive_service_checks_15min": 10,
                "passive_service_checks_1min": 0,
                "passive_service_checks_5min": 4,
                "remote_check_queue": 0,
                "uptime": 154240.98342895508
            "name": "IdoPgsqlConnection",
            "perfdata": [
                    "counter": false,
                    "crit": null,
                    "label": "idopgsqlconnection_ido-pgsql_queries_rate",
                    "max": null,
                    "min": null,
                    "type": "PerfdataValue",
                    "unit": "",
                    "value": 3.316666666666667,
                    "warn": null
            "name": "IdoMysqlConnection",
            "perfdata": [
                    "counter": false,
                    "crit": null,
                    "label": "idomysqlconnection_ido-mysql_queries_rate",
                    "max": null,
                    "min": null,
                    "type": "PerfdataValue",
                    "unit": "",
                    "value": 3.2333333333333334,
                    "warn": null
1 Like

Thanks. Yes, the performance stats are available for those services via api. Now I’m going to create a nice dashboard using them.