Icinga SSL/TLS certificate expired and how to renew


The SSL/TLS certificate of icingaweb2 has expired, is there a way it can be renewed?

  • Icinga Web 2 version – 2.9.5
  • Used modules and their versions (System - About)
    Monitoring Version 2.9.5
  • Web browser used – Firefox Version 94.0.2(64-bit)
  • Icinga 2 version used (icinga2 --version) – 2.13.2-1
  • PHP version used (php --version) – 7.1.30
  • Server operating system and version – RHEL 7.9 (Maipo)

[root@localhost ~]# openssl s_client -servername localhost -connect localhost:443 | openssl x509 -noout -dates
depth=0 C = --, ST = SomeState, L = SomeCity, O = SomeOrganization, OU = SomeOrganizationalUnit, CN = localhost.example.com, emailAddress = root@localhost.example.com
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = --, ST = SomeState, L = SomeCity, O = SomeOrganization, OU = SomeOrganizationalUnit, CN = localhost.example.com, emailAddress = root@localhost.example.com
verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate
verify return:1
notBefore=Oct 19 18:02:10 2020 GMT
notAfter=Oct 19 18:02:10 2021 GMT

To my knowledge, icingaweb2 does not have any certificates but your web server. And I don’t know any web server that provides certificates out of the box, means someone have created it at your system manually.

Thank you, Ronald!
I generated a self signed SSL certificate for Apache and it is good now.

Best regards,
Balaji Sankaran